Poolies offer choices

DONZALOOG1234DONZALOOG1234 Member Posts: 369 ★★
What's the opinions?

First choice:
20 Superior Mythic Crystals
1,000,000 gold
28,500 T4A fragments
2 Paragon Nexus crystals
10,000 Titan shards

Second choice:
2 T4A catalysts
10,000 Titan shards

For context, I'm already Valiant. I'm always strapped for gold and ISO-8 and I'm looking to grow my roster for BGs and other stuff. But, they're both good IMO.

Poolies offer choices 63 votes

20 offer 2s and 2 offer 4s = 900,000
JinxesaxeHomerJBondLmaoWebhead055Sceptilemaniac2spidyjedi84ThePredator1001UltragamerGoingBackSurfinwalrusFrostGiantLordwhyme_why6JJMACTrongNovSleepyBear21Guest120193746239 16 votes
1 offer 5 = 900,000
SligzuffyNesciocaptaincushSw0rdMasterMike3034TheHeroDeservedSachhyam257redsoxpatsfan89Hellboyy9999Rayven5220GhostboytjieRockyshockyJustcause102JChanceH9CASrinivasAykut387captain_rogersRebarkItsClobberinTime 46 votes
Hector_1475 1 vote


  • M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Member Posts: 257 ★★
    1 offer 5 = 900,000
    Offer 5 is all guaranteed value.

    20 offer 2s + 2 offer 4s = gold and T4A is the only guaranteed value.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,353 ★★★★★
    1 offer 5 = 900,000
    Why won't you pick Titan shards lol
  • DONZALOOG1234DONZALOOG1234 Member Posts: 369 ★★
    PT_99 said:

    Why won't you pick Titan shards lol

    They both have the same amount
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,240 ★★★★
    I have a similar doubt, I'm thronebreaker and torn apart between the choices of spending all the poolies for 2 7star crystals or using them up for selectors/awakening gems/stones and all the rank up gems, the latter would get me to paragon too

    for context im on 8.2 atm, farming revives for bahamet
  • GFactorGFactor Member Posts: 21
    Just saw a video saying best bang for your buck is actually the cheapest bundle the 2.5k poolies one! Which gives you +90m gold from the 900k free poolies! Rational is gold does not depreciated unlike rank up material!😅
  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 1,011 ★★★
    1 offer 5 = 900,000
    No brainer here
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    As a recent Valiant, I’m buying 6 times offer no.2 . It gives me (along with the rest of my resources) a bunch of new 6R5s / 7R2s which I find to add more value in my account than a 3rd 7R3. And it offers quite a lot of class flexibility.

    Titan shards are an RNG reward, I have always kept away from those.
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 656 ★★★
    GFactor said:

    Just saw a video saying best bang for your buck is actually the cheapest bundle the 2.5k poolies one! Which gives you +90m gold from the 900k free poolies! Rational is gold does not depreciated unlike rank up material!😅

    It's actually 130.5 million gold if you spend all 900k poolies on it. Absolutely insane for a free event and anyone complaining about gold has just been given a permanent answer to their problems
  • predatorrpredatorr Member Posts: 71
    GFactor said:

    Just saw a video saying best bang for your buck is actually the cheapest bundle the 2.5k poolies one! Which gives you +90m gold from the 900k free poolies! Rational is gold does not depreciated unlike rank up material!😅

    90 m gold no 99*100= 9.9 k gold
  • LmaoLmao Member Posts: 860 ★★★
    20 offer 2s and 2 offer 4s = 900,000
    shield311 said:

    I have a similar doubt, I'm thronebreaker and torn apart between the choices of spending all the poolies for 2 7star crystals or using them up for selectors/awakening gems/stones and all the rank up gems, the latter would get me to paragon too

    for context im on 8.2 atm, farming revives for bahamet

    Did you buy any bundles? Iirc you can only get 1 7 star as thronebreaker?
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    1 offer 5 = 900,000
    Don’t sleep on the last offer. If you spend all 7m poolies on it it would be close to 1 billion gold.
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
    I was in a similar position, I used my mysterium to solve my gold problem.

    As for iso, its is flowing with this new Deadpool event, so you should be good. The event next week has lots of crystals to open for free so that will be solved too.

    Go with the extra t4a would be my advice.
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