Got troll rolled, from Onslaught to Black Panther Civil War.
Hopefully I get Onslaught next time.
He BADLY needs a buff and maybe an animations re-work. The reflective stun is the only good thing about him. Damage output is outdated. He should be SHREDDING opponents. Bleeds should be inflicted and stack on all of his hits. He shouldn't have to lose health to gain higher attack damage. That's good for questing, but not good for Battlegrounds when walking outta there with 100% health is trending now. Shuri and Killmonger are better and more relevant than him.
He should have permanent armor ups along with his reflective stun. Any attempt to stun him will still reflects a stun back. Or a glancing buff, or something that represents how strong vibranium is.
He should have an ability where he consumes The Heart Shaped Herb and it regens him or gives him a power boost.
Adding some Wakandan purple special effects/illuminations to his costume during contact or special attacks, wouldn't hurt either.
Got troll rolled, from Onslaught to Black Panther Civil War.
Hopefully I get Onslaught next time.
He BADLY needs a buff and maybe an animations re-work. The reflective stun is the only good thing about him. Damage output is outdated. He should be SHREDDING opponents. Bleeds should be inflicted and stack on all of his hits. He shouldn't have to lose health to gain higher attack damage. That's good for questing, but not good for Battlegrounds when walking outta there with 100% health is trending now. Shuri and Killmonger are better and more relevant than him.
He should have permanent armor ups along with his reflective stun. Any attempt to stun him will still reflects a stun back. Or a glancing buff, or something that represents how strong vibranium is.
He should have an ability where he consumes The Heart Shaped Herb and it regens him or gives him a power boost.
Adding some Wakandan purple special effects/illuminations to his costume during contact or special attacks, wouldn't hurt either.
I don't think they're ever going to do it. It would be great if they did, but the moment has passed. They took too long. The character is too tied to a real person that passed away.
Apparently killmonger held wakanda against their will and upgraded his suit.
King tchalla did returned but then he got deluded into allowing whole world into his kingdom, it destroyed everything, so out of spite, Shuri gave his brother a goofy ahh mid suit.
Got troll rolled, from Onslaught to Black Panther Civil War.
Hopefully I get Onslaught next time.
He BADLY needs a buff and maybe an animations re-work. The reflective stun is the only good thing about him. Damage output is outdated. He should be SHREDDING opponents. Bleeds should be inflicted and stack on all of his hits. He shouldn't have to lose health to gain higher attack damage. That's good for questing, but not good for Battlegrounds when walking outta there with 100% health is trending now. Shuri and Killmonger are better and more relevant than him.
He should have permanent armor ups along with his reflective stun. Any attempt to stun him will still reflects a stun back. Or a glancing buff, or something that represents how strong vibranium is.
He should have an ability where he consumes The Heart Shaped Herb and it regens him or gives him a power boost.
Adding some Wakandan purple special effects/illuminations to his costume during contact or special attacks, wouldn't hurt either.
Maybe some instant bleeds as well or rupture against bleed immune would be nice
Got troll rolled, from Onslaught to Black Panther Civil War.
Hopefully I get Onslaught next time.
He BADLY needs a buff and maybe an animations re-work. The reflective stun is the only good thing about him. Damage output is outdated. He should be SHREDDING opponents. Bleeds should be inflicted and stack on all of his hits. He shouldn't have to lose health to gain higher attack damage. That's good for questing, but not good for Battlegrounds when walking outta there with 100% health is trending now. Shuri and Killmonger are better and more relevant than him.
He should have permanent armor ups along with his reflective stun. Any attempt to stun him will still reflects a stun back. Or a glancing buff, or something that represents how strong vibranium is.
He should have an ability where he consumes The Heart Shaped Herb and it regens him or gives him a power boost.
Adding some Wakandan purple special effects/illuminations to his costume during contact or special attacks, wouldn't hurt either.
I don't think they're ever going to do it. It would be great if they did, but the moment has passed. They took too long. The character is too tied to a real person that passed away.
Got troll rolled, from Onslaught to Black Panther Civil War.
Hopefully I get Onslaught next time.
He BADLY needs a buff and maybe an animations re-work. The reflective stun is the only good thing about him. Damage output is outdated. He should be SHREDDING opponents. Bleeds should be inflicted and stack on all of his hits. He shouldn't have to lose health to gain higher attack damage. That's good for questing, but not good for Battlegrounds when walking outta there with 100% health is trending now. Shuri and Killmonger are better and more relevant than him.
He should have permanent armor ups along with his reflective stun. Any attempt to stun him will still reflects a stun back. Or a glancing buff, or something that represents how strong vibranium is.
He should have an ability where he consumes The Heart Shaped Herb and it regens him or gives him a power boost.
Adding some Wakandan purple special effects/illuminations to his costume during contact or special attacks, wouldn't hurt either.
I agree, he does desperately need a full reworking and a huge buff, similar to the ones given to OGBP, Storm and Iron Man. Kabam should get around to buffing all these underpowered OG champs , and BPCW wouldn't be a bad place to start. He has such a huge amount of potential for a kit revolving around reflecting and absorbing damage, and, if properly implemented, could make him an extremely annoying defender with plenty of offensive potential. make it happen Kabam!
This actually feels like more than just your standard "bad pull - please buff" thread. There was much talk about this specific champ getting buffed, to the point when Kabam did one of the older promotional videos we saw BP using what seemed to be some kind of kinetic storing mechanic where he began to glow purple. I agree that as things change for the game, those plans may have changed, but it would be nice to get a yay or a nay since he seemed to be officially up for discussion some time ago.
This Rich the Man video came out in March of 2023. I think its fair to say that plans may have been altered at this point, but then again maybe not.
Here's an attempt at a redesign for you, @EdisonLaw@Real_Madrid_76_2 Stun reflection, damage reflection, instant bleeds, fury, big SP2 crits....
Black Panther Civil War
Stats for a 5* 5/65 champion Attack 2301 Health 36885 Critical Rate 928 Critical Damage 850 Armour 225 Physical resistance 525 Critical Resistance 525
Passive Black Panthers Vibranium Armour is non-magnetic, and provides T'challa with base critical resistance, Physical resistance and 60% shock resistance.
Kinetic Armour Kinetic armour passives grant +550 Physical resistance, last 8 seconds, and stack up to five. Whilst he has Kinetic Armour, T'challa is immune to Armour Break; although each time this immunity is triggered, the oldest Kinetic Armour passive is removed. - Start the fight with one Kinetic Armour passive - When hit, 40% chance to generate a Kinetic Armour passive. - If struck whilst blocking, 20% chance to generate a Kinetic Armour passive. - When attacking, 12% chance per hit to generate a Kinetic Armour passive.
Stun Immunity Wherever T'challa has Kinetic Armour passives, or whilst Reflective state is active, he is immune to Physical Stun effects. Whenever a Physical Stun is prevented by his Immunity, a passive Stun lasting 2.2s is inflicted on the Opponent; and if present, a Kinetic Armour passive is removed. This Stun cannot interrupt Special Attacks.
Reflective state When T'challa has two or more stacks of Kinetic Armour, he can activate a Reflective state by dashing back and holding block for 1.7s. Additionally, when defending, whenever T'challa gains Kinetic Armour he has a 10% chance to trigger his Reflective state, plus a flat 2.5% per Kinetic Armour passive present.
Reflective state removes any Kinetic Armour passives; it lasts for 9 seconds, plus 2s per stack of Armour Up removed. On defense, it gains an additional 33% duration.
T'challa's Reflective state grants an additional +550 Critical Resistance, and +2250 Physical Resistance and Block Proficiency. Whilst active, T'challa cannot generate Kinetic Armour passives; after Reflective State ends, the armour enters cool-down, and he cannot generate Kinetic Armour for 9s.
Reflective state provides immunity to Armour Break; and when this immunity is triggered he gains five Reflect charges and Pauses his Reflective state for 2s.
Additionally, whilst Reflective state is active, strikes on an opponent who is Unstoppable cannot be interrupted, and will immediately remove the Unstoppable effect and generate five Reflect charges.
Reflection Charges
For each 369 damage prevented by Blocking or by Physical resistance, T'challa gains a Reflect charge lasting nine seconds. This includes damage from Physical DoT abilities. T'challa's armour can store a maximum of twenty charges - gaining a charge beyond 20 will Pause Reflect charges for 2.5s.
When T'challa hits the opponent with a Light attack, Special Attack, or the second blow of his Heavy attack, all Reflect charges are removed and their stored damage is inflicted as a burst of Physical damage.
Reflected damage is increased by 30% on Heavy attacks, and 60% on Special Attacks. Aside from this, it is unaffected by nodes or effects that adjust T'challa's Attack rating such as Fury or Weakness.
Medium attacks Medium attacks have an 85% chance to inflict Bleed, causing 725 damage over 1.5 seconds. On critical hits, bleeds gain +50% Potency.
Heavy attacks If Reflective state is active, then Reflective state and Reflect charges are paused whilst charging a Heavy Attack. If charged for 0.9s, T'challa generates a non-stacking Fury Passive lasting 9s, and granting +207 Attack per Reflect charge.
Special Attacks On critical hits, bleeds gain +50% Potency. Additionally, any bleed debuff inflicted is accompanied by instant bleed damage based on any Reflect charges active when the Attack was launched. SP1 - Generate a True Accuracy passive for 9s. Each strike has a 90% chance to inflict a stack of bleed for 2464 damage over 3s. Each bleed debuff is accompanied by an instant bleed for 193 damage per Reflect charge. SP2 - This attack benefits from +1600 Critical Rating, and +2200 Critical Damage Modifier. If Reflective state is active, then all strikes are guaranteed Critical hits. Each strike has a 90% chance to inflict a stack of bleed for 2464 damage over 3s. Each bleed debuff is accompanied by an instant bleed for 289 damage per Reflect charge. SP3 - 100% chance to stun the opponent for 3.5s. 100% chance to activate a Precision passive granting +1800 Critical Rating for 12s, plus up to five stacks of Armour if Reflective state is not active, and the armour is not on cool-down.
Signature Ability Reflective state provides an additional 2250 Physical Resistance. Black Panther starts the fight in his Reflective state, with a duration as if triggered with 5.0 stacks of Armour Up.
Here's an attempt at a redesign for you, @EdisonLaw@Real_Madrid_76_2 Stun reflection, damage reflection, instant bleeds, fury, big SP2 crits....
Black Panther Civil War
Stats for a 5* 5/65 champion Attack 2301 Health 36885 Critical Rate 928 Critical Damage 850 Armour 225 Physical resistance 525 Critical Resistance 525
Passive Black Panthers Vibranium Armour is non-magnetic, and provides T'challa with base critical resistance, Physical resistance and 60% shock resistance.
Kinetic Armour Kinetic armour passives grant +550 Physical resistance, last 8 seconds, and stack up to five. Whilst he has Kinetic Armour, T'challa is immune to Armour Break; although each time this immunity is triggered, the oldest Kinetic Armour passive is removed. - Start the fight with one Kinetic Armour passive - When hit, 40% chance to generate a Kinetic Armour passive. - If struck whilst blocking, 20% chance to generate a Kinetic Armour passive. - When attacking, 12% chance per hit to generate a Kinetic Armour passive.
Stun Immunity Wherever T'challa has Kinetic Armour passives, or whilst Reflective state is active, he is immune to Physical Stun effects. Whenever a Physical Stun is prevented by his Immunity, a passive Stun lasting 2.2s is inflicted on the Opponent; and if present, a Kinetic Armour passive is removed. This Stun cannot interrupt Special Attacks.
Reflective state When T'challa has two or more stacks of Kinetic Armour, he can activate a Reflective state by dashing back and holding block for 1.7s. Additionally, when defending, whenever T'challa gains Kinetic Armour he has a 10% chance to trigger his Reflective state, plus a flat 2.5% per Kinetic Armour passive present.
Reflective state removes any Kinetic Armour passives; it lasts for 9 seconds, plus 2s per stack of Armour Up removed. On defense, it gains an additional 33% duration.
T'challa's Reflective state grants an additional +550 Critical Resistance, and +2250 Physical Resistance and Block Proficiency. Whilst active, T'challa cannot generate Kinetic Armour passives; after Reflective State ends, the armour enters cool-down, and he cannot generate Kinetic Armour for 9s.
Reflective state provides immunity to Armour Break; and when this immunity is triggered he gains five Reflect charges and Pauses his Reflective state for 2s.
Additionally, whilst Reflective state is active, strikes on an opponent who is Unstoppable cannot be interrupted, and will immediately remove the Unstoppable effect and generate five Reflect charges.
Reflection Charges
For each 369 damage prevented by Blocking or by Physical resistance, T'challa gains a Reflect charge lasting nine seconds. This includes damage from Physical DoT abilities. T'challa's armour can store a maximum of twenty charges - gaining a charge beyond 20 will Pause Reflect charges for 2.5s.
When T'challa hits the opponent with a Light attack, Special Attack, or the second blow of his Heavy attack, all Reflect charges are removed and their stored damage is inflicted as a burst of Physical damage.
Reflected damage is increased by 30% on Heavy attacks, and 60% on Special Attacks. Aside from this, it is unaffected by nodes or effects that adjust T'challa's Attack rating such as Fury or Weakness.
Medium attacks Medium attacks have an 85% chance to inflict Bleed, causing 725 damage over 1.5 seconds. On critical hits, bleeds gain +50% Potency.
Heavy attacks If Reflective state is active, then Reflective state and Reflect charges are paused whilst charging a Heavy Attack. If charged for 0.9s, T'challa generates a non-stacking Fury Passive lasting 9s, and granting +207 Attack per Reflect charge.
Special Attacks On critical hits, bleeds gain +50% Potency. Additionally, any bleed debuff inflicted is accompanied by instant bleed damage based on any Reflect charges active when the Attack was launched. SP1 - Generate a True Accuracy passive for 9s. Each strike has a 90% chance to inflict a stack of bleed for 2464 damage over 3s. Each bleed debuff is accompanied by an instant bleed for 193 damage per Reflect charge. SP2 - This attack benefits from +1600 Critical Rating, and +2200 Critical Damage Modifier. If Reflective state is active, then all strikes are guaranteed Critical hits. Each strike has a 90% chance to inflict a stack of bleed for 2464 damage over 3s. Each bleed debuff is accompanied by an instant bleed for 289 damage per Reflect charge. SP3 - 100% chance to stun the opponent for 3.5s. 100% chance to activate a Precision passive granting +1800 Critical Rating for 12s, plus up to five stacks of Armour if Reflective state is not active, and the armour is not on cool-down.
Signature Ability Reflective state provides an additional 2250 Physical Resistance. Black Panther starts the fight in his Reflective state, with a duration as if triggered with 5.0 stacks of Armour Up.
The heavy charge might be a little problematic in bgs as opponent would have reduced duration , but anyways great concept. Reminds me of caiw
Got troll rolled, from Onslaught to Black Panther Civil War.
Hopefully I get Onslaught next time.
Well he is indeed getting buffed as he'll be this month's Glorious Guardians rework champ. Finally the one I pulled will have a use
Another day another necropost
It's a relevant necropost though. We've been calling for a BPCW buff for a while as seen in this post. And now that it's happening, it only makes sense to pick up where we left off with this thread.
He should have permanent armor ups along with his reflective stun. Any attempt to stun him will still reflects a stun back. Or a glancing buff, or something that represents how strong vibranium is.
He should have an ability where he consumes The Heart Shaped Herb and it regens him or gives him a power boost.
Adding some Wakandan purple special effects/illuminations to his costume during contact or special attacks, wouldn't hurt either.
King tchalla did returned but then he got deluded into allowing whole world into his kingdom, it destroyed everything, so out of spite, Shuri gave his brother a goofy ahh mid suit.
It would be easy to buff him a bit, give him a bit more per buff, stronger bleeds and add rupture...then he's just fine 🤝
This Rich the Man video came out in March of 2023. I think its fair to say that plans may have been altered at this point, but then again maybe not.
Stun reflection, damage reflection, instant bleeds, fury, big SP2 crits....
Black Panther Civil War
Stats for a 5* 5/65 champion
Attack 2301
Health 36885
Critical Rate 928
Critical Damage 850
Armour 225
Physical resistance 525
Critical Resistance 525
Black Panthers Vibranium Armour is non-magnetic, and provides T'challa with base critical resistance, Physical resistance and 60% shock resistance.
Kinetic Armour
Kinetic armour passives grant +550 Physical resistance, last 8 seconds, and stack up to five. Whilst he has Kinetic Armour, T'challa is immune to Armour Break; although each time this immunity is triggered, the oldest Kinetic Armour passive is removed.
- Start the fight with one Kinetic Armour passive
- When hit, 40% chance to generate a Kinetic Armour passive.
- If struck whilst blocking, 20% chance to generate a Kinetic Armour passive.
- When attacking, 12% chance per hit to generate a Kinetic Armour passive.
Stun Immunity
Wherever T'challa has Kinetic Armour passives, or whilst Reflective state is active, he is immune to Physical Stun effects.
Whenever a Physical Stun is prevented by his Immunity, a passive Stun lasting 2.2s is inflicted on the Opponent; and if present, a Kinetic Armour passive is removed. This Stun cannot interrupt Special Attacks.
Reflective state
When T'challa has two or more stacks of Kinetic Armour, he can activate a Reflective state by dashing back and holding block for 1.7s. Additionally, when defending, whenever T'challa gains Kinetic Armour he has a 10% chance to trigger his Reflective state, plus a flat 2.5% per Kinetic Armour passive present.
Reflective state removes any Kinetic Armour passives; it lasts for 9 seconds, plus 2s per stack of Armour Up removed. On defense, it gains an additional 33% duration.
T'challa's Reflective state grants an additional +550 Critical Resistance, and +2250 Physical Resistance and Block Proficiency. Whilst active, T'challa cannot generate Kinetic Armour passives; after Reflective State ends, the armour enters cool-down, and he cannot generate Kinetic Armour for 9s.
Reflective state provides immunity to Armour Break; and when this immunity is triggered he gains five Reflect charges and Pauses his Reflective state for 2s.
Additionally, whilst Reflective state is active, strikes on an opponent who is Unstoppable cannot be interrupted, and will immediately remove the Unstoppable effect and generate five Reflect charges.
Reflection Charges
For each 369 damage prevented by Blocking or by Physical resistance, T'challa gains a Reflect charge lasting nine seconds. This includes damage from Physical DoT abilities. T'challa's armour can store a maximum of twenty charges - gaining a charge beyond 20 will Pause Reflect charges for 2.5s.
When T'challa hits the opponent with a Light attack, Special Attack, or the second blow of his Heavy attack, all Reflect charges are removed and their stored damage is inflicted as a burst of Physical damage.
Reflected damage is increased by 30% on Heavy attacks, and 60% on Special Attacks. Aside from this, it is unaffected by nodes or effects that adjust T'challa's Attack rating such as Fury or Weakness.
Medium attacks
Medium attacks have an 85% chance to inflict Bleed, causing 725 damage over 1.5 seconds. On critical hits, bleeds gain +50% Potency.
Heavy attacks
If Reflective state is active, then Reflective state and Reflect charges are paused whilst charging a Heavy Attack. If charged for 0.9s, T'challa generates a non-stacking Fury Passive lasting 9s, and granting +207 Attack per Reflect charge.
Special Attacks
On critical hits, bleeds gain +50% Potency.
Additionally, any bleed debuff inflicted is accompanied by instant bleed damage based on any Reflect charges active when the Attack was launched.
SP1 - Generate a True Accuracy passive for 9s.
Each strike has a 90% chance to inflict a stack of bleed for 2464 damage over 3s. Each bleed debuff is accompanied by an instant bleed for 193 damage per Reflect charge.
SP2 - This attack benefits from +1600 Critical Rating, and +2200 Critical Damage Modifier. If Reflective state is active, then all strikes are guaranteed Critical hits.
Each strike has a 90% chance to inflict a stack of bleed for 2464 damage over 3s.
Each bleed debuff is accompanied by an instant bleed for 289 damage per Reflect charge.
SP3 - 100% chance to stun the opponent for 3.5s. 100% chance to activate a Precision passive granting +1800 Critical Rating for 12s, plus up to five stacks of Armour if Reflective state is not active, and the armour is not on cool-down.
Signature Ability
Reflective state provides an additional 2250 Physical Resistance.
Black Panther starts the fight in his Reflective state, with a duration as if triggered with 5.0 stacks of Armour Up.
Dude ur lv 53…they said they would buff himm years ago when og bp was reworked i think.
I been playing since beginning, a lot Of champs need reworks and tuneups.