Great job on War Kabam, now no one wants to play war

New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
Seems like no one wants to play war now...

1) Xmagica and magic thief gets everyone frustrated
2) Rewards aren't that great
3) Effort and time is not worth it....


  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 ★★★
    Especially f2p players
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,580 ★★★★★
    I thought this was going to be the patron Saint of War complaints coming back with a new account but because of the name. But profile says no.
  • Rick_1Rick_1 Member Posts: 65
    War takes so long to load that I end up logging out completely.
    Been like that for the last couple of updates for me at least.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,321 ★★★★★

    Seems like no one wants to play war now...

    Within context, I believe this is addressing higher tier Wars.
    I think at my level, it is as "competitive" as it can get.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,586 ★★★★★
    Idk why Kabam refuses to buff rewards for monthly piece of content and fixing the parry issue.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    I really hope they move away from this type of garbage with the next meta.

    The tactic interaction with nodes, defenders, and wonky ai makes some fights more or less impossible to solo.

    It’s not a fun time playing atm. Don’t know of anyone that’s enjoying war in 2024 so far.
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    The funny thing is that people hate it so much this stupid tactic and kabam thought ''hmm now let's use this tactic in GC's and add 2 additional nodes so players will be more miserable''
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,471 ★★★★★

    The funny thing is that people hate it so much this stupid tactic and kabam thought ''hmm now let's use this tactic in GC's and add 2 additional nodes so players will be more miserable''

    This is so true. I think it hasn’t gotten enough discussion / complaints that Kabam took a cancerous war mechanic and applied it to what is supposed to be one of the most important game modes. GC is friggin miserable.
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★
    As much as I'd love to troll and tease people for complaining about the state of war, as a player consistently in top 10/top 3 I have to agree. I made a point a while back about the difficulty not matching with rewards. The S20 SW we get every season is cool but is only for 90 people, the actual rewards outside of the titan shards are questionable for the amount of effort put in, and the balancing is atrocious. Last season things went into affect a war early and they were changes made literally middle of the season when everyone was already used to the state of the tactic. The tactic itself was one of the most difficult we've ever had (Similar to Crush, Siphon, Stubborn, etc) and it didn't add up to the rewards. I appreciate all the lengths and struggles that the Devs have gone through to make the war szn entertaining for us but I feel like it falls short of expectation with the rate the game is going. The mode still needs to see some changes to really get people (outside of the top 20 alliances) excited for the coming szn.
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