Brought Onslaught for path 5 (starts with Red Goblin) thinking he’s great for the path and that #psychic shielding provides immunity to gm’s phase 4 reverse control (WHICH BROUGHT NIGHTMARE TO MY 5th RUN!!)
#Psychic Immune DOESN’T PROVIDE IMMUNITY TO REVERSE CONTROL, you need to look into champ’s description like jugg’s to see if they’re immune to reverse control
Was a nightmare with gm during phase 4, luckily aegon’s unblockable and 6* relic help, I just keep spamming light attack till I build up necessary bar of power. Big “PHEW” after the fight 😱
Been playing for years and only realising this now 😂😂🤣
#Psychic Immune DOESN’T PROVIDE IMMUNITY TO REVERSE CONTROL, you need to look into champ’s description like jugg’s to see if they’re immune to reverse control
Was a nightmare with gm during phase 4, luckily aegon’s unblockable and 6* relic help, I just keep spamming light attack till I build up necessary bar of power. Big “PHEW” after the fight 😱
Been playing for years and only realising this now 😂😂🤣
Anyway heres a screenshot of me beating his face out of pure frustration 😂
I mean I understand where the thought came from cause the Emma Frost kit was stillll
Emma frost reverse control on special don't work against psychich shielding champs.
Act 6.4 grandmaster's reverse control won't work.
Also these champs are immune to delirium nodes and delirium effects from champs like knull onslut and mr negative.
It's not like there's a database of all of the weird interactions.
(FYI, destroyer and silver sable are #psychic shielding)
Doesn’t seem too complicated, as it’s not an immunity to reversed controls. Most interactions that psychic shielding have with reversed controls are stated.