Reason why first uncollected quests were harder?
Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
I think the modok quest was much harder on the uncollected difficulty because the stats on the final bosses were much higher and there was a one time title that could be earned for exploring whereas now that there is no title it is finally a bit easier. What do you guys think of this one compared to modoks.
Just glad they didn’t slap a heal block on the void fight lol
Well aren't you a treat.
Well, because he is uncollected he needs the rewards on this quest. Where else will he find t5b fragments and 6 star shards?
It is likely a case of last month being the first Uncollected quest that they looked at the data and made adjustments. I am just glad they added them in the first place, especially for the 5,000 5* shards.
1. I do not think the OP was complaining about anything, yet you seem really bitter about the whole Uncollected thing.
2. Do you need a hug?