New place for the 20 unit Recharge button

Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 315 ★★★
edited May 11 in General Discussion
Dear Kaban. Can you please put the button for the 20 unit Recharge another place.

I play a lot of arena, and I spam help, since I often have 50-80 champs that need “help’ for a shorter cool down peiod (and it gives my alliance loyalty if they choose help), but sometines I dont hit the green button, so other options pops up, where I can spend 20 units to recharge a champ. Last two weeks alone I have - by mistake - hit that button four times and it cost me 80 units. Really annoying.

I cannot image many summoners wanting to spend 20 units to recharge a 7s champ for arena. So maybe put the button a place with less rics of pressing it by mistake?


  • Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 315 ★★★
    I know, but dont pay much attention when doing arena - including asking for help. Just dont see a good reason for the button to be placed there. Nothing really won by it, but high risc of mis-tapping and losing units.
  • Joey_Joe_joe_27Joey_Joe_joe_27 Member Posts: 124 ★★
    People who want to recharge have somewhat easy access. The people who just want to ask for help can just tap the green box. It’s not complicated
  • Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 315 ★★★
    Let me try again. I know it is not rocket science. Point being; if you dont pay attention - which we arena grinders often dont - there is a high risc that one of your houndred of taps on the green help button is not precise and you lose 20 units.
    Why not eliminate that risc? Not many people will pay 20 units to refresh a champ anyways.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,171 ★★★★★
    Just pay attention instead of madly pushing buttons 🤷‍♂️
  • Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 315 ★★★
    edited May 12
    Snizzbar said:

    Just pay attention instead of madly pushing buttons 🤷‍♂️

    Thanks. That is it! I wish I was smart enough to come up with that solutution myself. Problem solved.

    Edit: I just did the math. I press the help button 150-200 each day (much much more when I grind for a champ), but from here on I will do it slowly, pause whatever I am doing IRL and pay deeply and full attention.
  • BloodyRoseBloodyRose Member Posts: 161
    edited May 12
    M'yeah.... having worked on many software teams, I've seen placement like that to get unintentional clicks to drive revenue. The marketing/product team tells the dev team to swap buttons around without telling the user. Many users don't notice things were changed and get tricked into clicking a button they didn't mean to click.
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 809 ★★★★
    7* recharge in 11h, so you can get 7 runs with them over the 3day arena. Getting an 8th run would require your alliance mates hitting "help" enough times every time and you setting an alarm to play exactly the second they recharge. Very hard to accomplish, and not worth it.
    5* and below recharge every 2hours. There's no need to shorten that timer.

    That leaves the 6*, which recharge every 7h. Unless you can run your 6*s three times a day and need to shorten that recharge time, there is no benefit to "requesting help". 3 times a day means it's the first thing you do when you wake up and the last thing you do before you sleep. And the middle thing.

    My advice is stop using the "ask for help" button and let your champs recharge at their set time. Also, activate the in-game setting that sorts used champs at the bottom when you grind. That's the best QoL feature kabam has come up with in a long time. Might be the best even.
  • Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 315 ★★★
    Yeah, I am using that setting. I mostly press the help button so my alliance can get the extra loyalty (as well as out of habit), but you are right. I should probably stop, since the chance of Kabam moving the button is next to zero.
  • Ironside47Ironside47 Member Posts: 482 ★★★
    There is normally a pop up asking you to confirm your choice of spending units. It also has a checkbox that says never show me this warning again. I’m guessing you’ve clicked it. I’m not sure how you go about resetting that warning.
  • Ragnarok13Ragnarok13 Member Posts: 67
  • Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 315 ★★★
    @Ironside47 Did not know that. I must have clicked that box and forgot all about it. My bad! Anyone knows when to re-activate it?
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