I think Gladiator’s into me

3 weeks ago I posted my first bit of paragon crystal luck (a 7* glad) and after raids today I got 10x paragon crystals from the chest. Guess who popped up again

I was the biggest glad hater when he dropped but he seems to have forgiven me. I really enjoyed playing with him, but wanted the dupe for RS and other defenders. Now I’m debating between him and Adam after I get my cosmic cats back. What are y’all thinking, infuriate-man or intimidate-man first?

I was the biggest glad hater when he dropped but he seems to have forgiven me. I really enjoyed playing with him, but wanted the dupe for RS and other defenders. Now I’m debating between him and Adam after I get my cosmic cats back. What are y’all thinking, infuriate-man or intimidate-man first?