Sagas Incursion - difficulty, frustration, etc...

kikiFurieuxkikiFurieux Member Posts: 246 ★★★
Dear Kabam,
Please acknowledge the situation regarding Sagas Incursions as lots of people are complaining about it.
Potions and revives are too expensive, the reduced pool of champs and ridiculous nodes forcing you to heal up (like Aspect of Nightmare) or to take damage no matter what are increasing difficulty like crazy.
Sure we have multiple attempts possible, thanks to the 5 min timer but that doesn't prevent you from getting deep into a run, like room 12 for example and end up in a situation where you have to quit.
This is very frustrating. You get nothing if you try again since you already got the room rewards (until you reach a room you didn't clear previously) so you're time isn't valued at all, you feel you played for nothing (not a good feeling...).

I feel it would be alleviated if some nodes (like the one I mentioned) would be removed or if you add the potions and revives in the store (for another currency than units, or drop their price drastically) or if you put the NC tokens in the first 10 rooms.
People play those incursions for the NC tokens (at least I do) and I know I will be done with it as soon as I get them (if on my run I can continue then sure I'll continue but then I won't do another attempt).
Thanks in advance


  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 77
    @kikiFurieux Use Bullseye with Prowess, Crit rate, crit damage, Powersting and Power mods. You can also use Domino with crit and power mods. I used Domino Bullseye and CG/CGR. This can be done Itemless. Otherwise this is not the right content for you
  • jaymania82jaymania82 Member Posts: 77
    @Kabam Miike I agree with kikiFurieux I have tried doing saga incursions and get stuck either room 10 or 11 wiith crazy nodes. My only frustration is the rune stones are attach to higher rooms. Is it suppose to be this hard? I have posted on the forums myself but no one from kabam seems to want to acknowledge anyone so it seems.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,362 ★★★★★
    Yeah it isn't fun. I've tried twice so far - Room 15 then room 13. Not fun getting 600 gold per already completed room on the 2d attempt! I'll give ti a few more goes, but the champion pool is the worst part.

    Would be nice if they did it like AW and give bonuses for using saga champs vs restricting it to only using them.
  • jaymania82jaymania82 Member Posts: 77
    I feel kabam might think since msd, lags and other high end players can do it with those mods that everyone should be able too. I wish the runestones were not so high up in the rooms. I am more then ok with the bigger rewards being in the end, but not the runestones.
  • The_Curd_BrosThe_Curd_Bros Member Posts: 99
    It seems like rooms 12-14 are a stopping point for most rosters. I have only done one run, but ran into a boss on 14 that was just not possible without the perfect combination of characters and hacks and even then it would be tough for 95% of players. With the incursion revives and heals being so expensive that is just a stopping point for most players. It's definitely doable if you are a top player, but I would hazard a guess that only the top 10% of players with the best rosters can finish sector 7. It's meant to be the hardest incursion so I am personally ok with that, but I can see how it can be super frustrating. The rich get richer.
  • jaymania82jaymania82 Member Posts: 77
    @kabamjax @Kabam Miike why the radio silence since the came out? we are not being rude and would like some imput?
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 931 ★★★★
    edited May 14
    Personally, I think what's bringing most of the frustration is, not only are incursions highly reliant on RNG, but also a few of the best champions to clear aren't fully available to everyone yet. Sure, there are ways to work around that, but again you're at the real mercy of RNG. Add in the ridiculous price of revives & potions & imo, it's just not worth it...
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    I tried a lot of things like : kingpin 6r5 as, Elsa 7r3, kushala 6r5 as, iceman 6r5 ascen I went to room 12, I'm giving up, too bad for the nightwrawler 7* I'll miss 8 points.
  • Trek26Trek26 Member Posts: 243 ★★
    I had more fun doing fins animal instinct challenge
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,392 ★★★★★
    Damn, was hoping we'd at least see a response
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,653 ★★★★★
    I don't really see how this is different than any other thread/complaint about incursions except for the limited champion pool, which is compensated for by better rewards. Kabam even took our some of the RNG annoyance by allowing you a full list of boss hacks to choose from so you could guarantee at least a base level of strategy going in. I'm not saying it's easy, or some crazy node combos haven't made me restart a time or two, but that's mostly because I get lazy around rooms 10-15 when things start getting hard and forget to look at every defender node.

    Here are some tips if you consistently get frustrated in incursions (esp. saga incursions):
    • Be aware of nodes (like aspect of ____ that gives you a 25-50% health loss over 10 seconds before healing you back up. You can plan for this in several ways by: focusing on champs that can regen/stay at high health easily, always try to keep at least one champ in reserve with high health, bring a champ that can avoid damage/death for enough time to get you free healing (think Serpent's ability when he builds charges, or Fury's LMD), pick a different path, or swap out for a champion that can handle it.
    • ALWAYS read every node and look for the easiest path. It doesn't matter if you take the "revive a champ" path if you then face a defender that you can't beat.
    • Don't be afraid to swap a champ, or to "ruin" a good team setup to bring in a boss counter. You can pick a different path, but you have to have an answer for the boss or the best mastery/hack/team setup will do you no good. Maybe you'll find an incursions monster just from having swapped out someone you see as niche or mid in other game modes.
    • Don't stress out. Besides the fact that it often makes you play worse, it isn't worth it. Sure, these are the best incursions rewards you can get..... in a mobile videogame that is constantly progressing and offering new and different ways to enjoy playing it. Missing out on NC is not the end of the world. Not completing every piece of content is okay. Sometimes, hard content is made to be hard even for the top eschelon of players. Not everyone should find it easy. Incursions amps up the RNG aspect of the contest to 11, which is the entire point. You're not a failure if it catches you off-guard and you have to start over, or use a single (or 10) revives.
    Overall, I feel like this isn't at all an unreasonable event, but there are certainly some frustrating and challenging aspects to it. If you want advice on how to beat it though, just ask. The more info you give and direct questions you ask, the better you will be prepared to face those challenges next time.

    This has been SquirrelGuy, and thanks for coming to my Ted MCOC talk.
  • Trek26Trek26 Member Posts: 243 ★★
    Polygon said:

    Damn, was hoping we'd at least see a response

    It's the middle of the week, kabam doesn't respond at this time.
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