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Will i get banned for a losing streak in bgs?

CotziCotzi Posts: 129
So i'm a cavalier player with a pretty mid roster and i pretty much hit my competitive limit at plat 2 and obviously i'm gonna get stacked cavalier players and often times some thronebreakers/paragons/valiants, i'm still grinding bgs for the 150k 6 star class nexus selector, and even if i keep losing i still keep trying to complete matches with most of my energy and when i ocassionally get elder's mark and i have a pretty big losing streak, will i get banned by kabam?


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    CotziCotzi Posts: 129
    Like, i rarely win a match now because of the player's i'm matching with and i'm getting kinda worried kabam will ban me.
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    CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Posts: 850 ★★★
    yes and no
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    DaddriedaDaddrieda Posts: 1,591 ★★★★
    You should always try to win. You won’t get banned if you are not doing it intentionally. What I understand what leads to the ban is sandbagging using lower star rarity to purposely lose and too purposely staying in lower bracket and then winning a few fights while repeating the sandbagging method can lead to a ban as it’s not an fair play. So you should always try to win even if you know that you are losing the fight.
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    CotziCotzi Posts: 129
    edited May 20
    Daddrieda said:

    You should always try to win. You won’t get banned if you are not doing it intentionally. What I understand what leads to the ban is sandbagging using lower star rarity to purposely lose and too purposely staying in lower bracket and then winning a few fights while repeating the sandbagging method can lead to a ban as it’s not an fair play. So you should always try to win even if you know that you are losing the fight.

    I don't lose on purpose and i don't sandbag, i also try to get my highest rank..... thanks for the reassurement.
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    TerminatrixTerminatrix Posts: 1,871 ★★★★★
    This is why the matchmaking needs to be better.
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    LokxLokx Posts: 677 ★★★
    I think they mostly look for accounts that are sand bagging or just straight up force quitting the match. You could loose 1000 times and you won’t be affected.
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,976 ★★★★★
    You'll be OK.
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    peixemacacopeixemacaco Posts: 1,665 ★★★
    If you dont quit insanelly, no. It's ok.
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    007Bishop007Bishop Posts: 425 ★★★
    I am of the opinion that skill issue must be punished with a ban but is there such a rule? Nope. Will they implement it? Nope. So, don't worry the only consequence to losing in BGs is ruining your mental health. And maybe a broken phone. And definitely a whole page in the game announcing to the world that you are in fact an unskilled player
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    Batman_bruce31Batman_bruce31 Posts: 247 ★★
    Just today alone I went through almost 20 matches with 1 loss and 1 win continuously. Even after 20 matches, still at Diamond 3.
    And no, I don’t sandbag or lose on purpose 😂.
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