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Just did my 1st attempt at the the grandmaster 6.4.6 today

Foxhero007Foxhero007 Posts: 732 ★★★
Just as the title I tried with the uses of 7 lvl1 revives. And I came to the conclusion from my fight and the video I watched on the grandmaster the this fight is WAY OVERLY complicated. If your a not a master of intercepting your screwed and not able see his power bar filled up aka an Instant bar of power you can’t judge or prepared for it when he throw it instantly upon getting it. And his orders/Challenge/tasks what ever you call flashes to quickly on the screen.

So I’m stuck here as Cavalier until I beat him or the fight get nerf/rework or I get one more tier 6 basic catalyst and tier 3 alpha catalyst. What ever one comes 1st and the way it look it will be the catalyst.


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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,392 ★★★★
    Learn to intercept that's the bread and butter of this fight
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,559 ★★★★★
    Use future antman, he works well for the fight
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    Sunstar19Sunstar19 Posts: 125
    This fight is very reasonable and well designed. Only learnt how the mechanics after the GM fight on Necropolis. The one that got me was the coloured challenges. I did not realise the coloured icons will be shown below GM health bar when he throws SP1. I only reacted split second when the bars shoot out based on the colors. Needless to say this was foolish and cost me many many units.
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    FreakydFreakyd Posts: 206
    I spent a week or 2 just running the path so I could get to GM with full health and practice the moves. Juggs was my MVP.
    Last time I ran it I just thought Id use up potions that were about to expire and practice the next phase and ending up beating him. Just do a run everyday and get familiar with the fight mechanics
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    RoggamRoggam Posts: 83
    5* aegon did it with 5 revives on my mini - you can pretty much ignore the mechanics if he’s got 200+ charges coming into it
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    HoadyOZHoadyOZ Posts: 228
    edited May 26

    Just as the title I tried with the uses of 7 lvl1 revives. And I came to the conclusion from my fight and the video I watched on the grandmaster the this fight is WAY OVERLY complicated. If your a not a master of intercepting your screwed and not able see his power bar filled up aka an Instant bar of power you can’t judge or prepared for it when he throw it instantly upon getting it. And his orders/Challenge/tasks what ever you call flashes to quickly on the screen.

    So I’m stuck here as Cavalier until I beat him or the fight get nerf/rework or I get one more tier 6 basic catalyst and tier 3 alpha catalyst. What ever one comes 1st and the way it look it will be the catalyst.

    Don’t despair, many people less talented than you have completed this fight, myself included.
    You have to approach it like a final exam. Break it down, practice the components.
    1.Start accumulating around 50 revives and 2000 units. Maybe 50 revives is too much, but it buys you time to do the practice.
    2. Practice everyday baiting, dexing a Dr Doom’s sp1, and intercepting him until you can do both comfortably. These are advanced game skills, so don’t get frustrated if you don’t get it right away.
    3. Practice your reactions on YouTube videos. Run MSD’s GM fights in full screen on your device and anticipate the Dex, block, stand movements that he makes during the game to develop the muscle memory. Keep doing this until you can keep up with the gameplay.
    Do these 3 things and you will kill that smartarse little turd easy.
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,666 ★★★★★
    7 revives? Ha took me 30 or 40 "back in the day".

    I'm still convinced the 3rd phase is broken but I'll never try again.
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    MoneylessMercMoneylessMerc Posts: 20
    edited May 26
    I burned like 40 revives and 1k units before I fully understood this fight.

    As others have said... Practice, research, and save up units/revives.

    I am objectively bad at this game and I still managed Paragon. You got this.

    It's not a race. Be patient - getting tilted just makes it that much more difficult.
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,392 ★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    The mighty Cavs are disagreeing with anyone who dares suggest to get better and learn intercepts and other basic skills required to get past grandmaster.
    I worry how they're going to get past gwenmaster and then 2 kangs 💀

    I know right intercept give you green tokens and will help you deal so much damage when GM is wounded
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    Foxhero007Foxhero007 Posts: 732 ★★★
    You know what if Kabam add a grandmaster practice fight to the training grounds then I would practice because I’m not going to waste to much time or Energy running the path just to practice the fight against him. And it doesn’t help that he gets an Instant bar of power that he throws almost instantly. Also I’m not going to be using any units for this fight at all.
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    MoneylessMercMoneylessMerc Posts: 20

    You know what if Kabam add a grandmaster practice fight to the training grounds then I would practice because I’m not going to waste to much time or Energy running the path just to practice the fight against him. And it doesn’t help that he gets an Instant bar of power that he throws almost instantly. Also I’m not going to be using any units for this fight at all.

    I understand your frustration.
    Maybe take a break.
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,392 ★★★★

    You know what if Kabam add a grandmaster practice fight to the training grounds then I would practice because I’m not going to waste to much time or Energy running the path just to practice the fight against him. And it doesn’t help that he gets an Instant bar of power that he throws almost instantly. Also I’m not going to be using any units for this fight at all.

    Use Juggernaut
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,943 ★★★★★
    Either practice the skills you're lacking, or be stuck where you are.
    It's really that simple.
    Strive to be better or don't. Your call.
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    MoneylessMercMoneylessMerc Posts: 20
    edited May 26
    You're not stuck at cavalier.
    You literally don't even have to fight him.
    You can now achieve Thronebreaker by getting five 6* champs to rank 4.

    You have choices.

    What's for certain is that they aren't going to change the fight anytime soon. If you want to get past thronebreaker, you're going to have to make a decision.
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    MoneylessMercMoneylessMerc Posts: 20
    edited May 26
    Learn the fight. Try again later when you're calm.
    Complaining and refusing constructive advice won't get you anywhere.

    For most things in life, if you're not successful it simply means that you're lacking important information.

    Here's a solid walkthrough (click the image) - good luck https://youtu.be/CXu7ElvSuTw?si=ySO_PIaJ24SnoH0b
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    Wong_99Wong_99 Posts: 604 ★★★
    The Grandmaster is really the first boss where you need skill. I don’t say this easily, but it’s a skill issue.
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