This is 6 1.4, but it's not just this certain part, it's just all of it, it's been ongoing for a good week, what happens/happened was probably both and/or I'm in to select a champ right before a fight, or IN the fight, and have to do something in the midst of it, then go out of MCOC without closing it, come back later, and it gives me 'connection lost' and it just reloads MCOC. But when I go back INTO the act, go back to try to relight, I instantly lose 50% HP from 100%. Or another grand fun time is when I do the same thing, but finish the fight and it doesn't make me lose 50% right off the bat, it bugs out and makes me redo the fight, acting like I never fought said champ, but also losing 50% from any % I had before, and all I've done to 'fix' said issue is to end up restarting entirely, losing all energy spent, and any other items I used in it