Onslaught SOS

Onslaught fight is absolutely awful. Not that it's too hard, I think it's actually not all that unreasonable. But the AI is just atrocious. Light intercepts. Special intercepts, refusing to throw specials, and the inconsistent recovery time after SP1. I have completed this fight 3 times, spending 8 revives and a bunch of heal potions in total. Overall, not too much spent. But, come on, Kabam, you can't say this AI is intentional.
Even Dani sp2 dex have window to punish her, Doom sp2 is punishable, Bishop sp2 is punishable, all devestating special dex are punishable as a skill reward but for some reason onslaught recovers a second early, every single time.
But, after several attempts and practice on my own Onslaught (no energy and free practice) I was able to do my run with CAIW for 2 objectives. Did I get a solo? of course not, I spent about 5 revives but I did it and I was able to punish his SP1 pretty much all the time.
I feel the unstoppable on heavy is a bit much since it forces you to intercept (crappy AI will punish you for that and you'll either get comboed or parried) OR punish his SP1. Learning how to dex and punish his SP1 is very valuable imo and is probably the only silver lining of this horrible fight...
Watch any YouTube SoS guide, everyone will suggest to not punish his sp1 because it's so unreliable