Another one bites the dust

HomestuckHomestuck Member Posts: 7
Didn't put the one I had into last post, so here's ANOTHER run down, I used sauron to use against heimdall, went off the game for a few, came back within period of video, started to use Red Magneto, finished fight, game bugs, and sauron sits at exactly 50% HP even if I didn't use him in fight of video. And if I could say it. Kabams NEW NAME for me for a while shall now be Kascam, read and weep it boys. Here's your video.


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,352 Guardian
    Don’t switch away from game in middle of a fight.

    It needs constant connection during fight, breaking that will result in bad things.

    And, fyi, there are set protocols for 50% off Health in various game modes, under different conditions.
    It is by design to prevent things like “my fight isn’t going well, let me force close it and try again”, etc.

    (regarding this post, and your basically identical earlier post).
  • HomestuckHomestuck Member Posts: 7

    Why do u tag Seatin in your vids, such a leech move

    Cuz why not, no one said I couldn't
    And yea, earlier post, key word, just because I have a life doesn't mean I can't/shouldn't/what the hell ever, means, I just don't care, yea sure a 'protocol' but under like, that, it's never happened
    Aaaand 3. BITE ME, I'm salty over Kabam Jax, if my account is sooooo an alternate, go ahead and ban me, or..step in line
  • HomestuckHomestuck Member Posts: 7

    Don’t switch away from game in middle of a fight.

    It needs constant connection during fight, breaking that will result in bad things.

    And, fyi, there are set protocols for 50% off Health in various game modes, under different conditions.
    It is by design to prevent things like “my fight isn’t going well, let me force close it and try again”, etc.

    (regarding this post, and your basically identical earlier post).

    LOL, so we gonna skip over me calling them Kascam now, sweet. I love it when a plan comes together😂🤙
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian
    Just for the benefit of the sane people reading this thread, the issue being described above (and in another thread by the same poster) is not a bug. It is a few separate things going on, none of which are bugs.

    1. Fights run on your device, but results of fights are tracked on the game servers. Your phone has to keep a constant connection with the game servers so that the server knows what happened. If you switch away from a fight for too long, eventually the game servers assume you crashed or closed and are not coming back. Your fight session is terminated. However, your game client has no idea that has happened nor any way to find out. When you switch away from the game, the game is paused by your phone's operating system. It is literally in hibernation, and has no idea what's happening or even that time is passing.

    When you switch back the fight continues where it left off, because as far as your phone knows, that's what's supposed to happen. Meanwhile, in the background the game client will try to reestablish contact with the servers. It will try for a certain amount of time before giving up. If the fight lasts longer than this window of time you will see the game client suddenly and abruptly end your fight and kick you out of the game. But if the fight completes before this happens, it will look to you like you completed the fight successfully, but when your phone tries to tell the servers that, the servers go "huh, who are you" because they terminated that session. If the servers recorded you as essentially disappearing, it can record you as disconnected, or it can sometimes record you as effectively dying. Which one depends on circumstances.

    2. If you end up back in the fight with less health, you are triggering an anti-cheat mechanism put into the game long ago to prevent people from simply restarting fights over and over until they get a good result. In most game modes the first time you crash out of a fight you will be put into fight recovery mode. When you start up the game client again the game will prompt you to do that fight over again from the start. But you can only do this once every so often. If you have already done that and are on cooldown, the next time you'll be treated as if you died in the fight, and you will either return with half your original health or in some content your attacker will just be recorded as dead. This is deliberate, and designed to protect against certain kinds of cheating. It unfortunately catches people who run into problems through no fault of their own, but it is still deliberate and not a bug. Kabam is aware of this, Kabam put it there in the first place, and it isn't there just to punish players for no reason.

    Incidentally, none of this is new. Both behaviors have been in the game for many years. The disconnect behavior essentially for as long as the game has existed. The die-or-half-health penalty since I want to say six or seven years ago, maybe more, originally put in place to prevent this tactic from being used in Alliance War.
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