Act 6 Exploration

I'm a paragon and I've completed 8.1. I've been thinking to start exploring an act to enhance my roster. Is Act 6 exploration worth the time and effort?
According to my calculations, I have 168 paths to complete, which means 504 energy and assuming a fight time of a minute per fight, 15 mins per path minimum would mean 42 HOURS of playtime. I get half hour a day. I can spend 15 mins on story and the rest on AQ/AW/BGs etc. That means over 6 months.
According to my calculations, I have 168 paths to complete, which means 504 energy and assuming a fight time of a minute per fight, 15 mins per path minimum would mean 42 HOURS of playtime. I get half hour a day. I can spend 15 mins on story and the rest on AQ/AW/BGs etc. That means over 6 months.
Also if you have all those champs just complete act 8, then work on exploration. Act 6 rewards are awful in comparison
Act 6 is the last act to think about exploring.
That's the only reason I did it. After completing all other story content. Act 6 blows...
I have not explored act 6 & 7, or done Abyss, the rewards are not worth it.
Do act 8, explore it, do Necro…thats where the rewards are worth your time, units and effort.
Do act-8 100% and then do Necro 100%
Since you're so confident in your Kate "1 minute skills"
Thanks to the rest of you.
None the less, over 6 months
They won't even have 7* materials in act 6 cus there's no 7* materials even in act 7