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Second half of act 8 exploration journal

I am exploring chapters 1 and 2 of act 8. I find 8.2 fun and 8.2 heck. On this post I will give daily progress picks (if I do exploration that day,) and will ask for advice on paths and bosses, because I’ll need it.
(I’m not like @Cantona59 or the YouTubers, so this will take me a while)

Day -1:

This is what I’m starting with!!

Day 1:

Progress! Not as much as I would like but hey, it’s something!


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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,559 ★★★★★
    Good luck!
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★

    Good luck!

    Thanks! 8.3 and 4 are already explored, but I’m still so tired from fighting glyhkan 3 times, so I will definitely be having some days where I don’t do anything lol
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    RoggamRoggam Posts: 83
    I have 3 more quests in 8.1 to hit valiant… Godspeed summoner!
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    Mr Wilson FiskMr Wilson Fisk Posts: 276 ★★
    I did a single path completion of act 8 at the beginning of May. Did a completion run through necropolis. Started exploration of act 8 2 weeks ago. Just started 8.2.5 today. Plan to be 100% by the end of June. We've got this!
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★

    I did a single path completion of act 8 at the beginning of May. Did a completion run through necropolis. Started exploration of act 8 2 weeks ago. Just started 8.2.5 today. Plan to be 100% by the end of June. We've got this!

    Awesome man! 8.3 explo is kinda fun, and 8.4 is okay depending on what champs u have
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    mattressmattress Posts: 429 ★★★
    Good luck. I'm going back and forth. Did 8.1 after initial completion but went back to 8.4. Have 2 paths at the boss then goin back to 8.2.
    Hopin to have exploration done by July 4th
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    HoadyOZHoadyOZ Posts: 228
    8.2 was toughest for me. I kept a journal of it so let me know if you need any help or tips. I must have used a ton of revives for my first Bahamet fight, but only needed one for my final fight, so he gets easier as you figure him out.
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★
    HoadyOZ said:

    8.2 was toughest for me. I kept a journal of it so let me know if you need any help or tips. I must have used a ton of revives for my first Bahamet fight, but only needed one for my final fight, so he gets easier as you figure him out.

    Okay! I would love to ask advice when I get there, my friend who is currently exploring 8.2 says it’s the worst chapter by far
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    Markjv81Markjv81 Posts: 1,014 ★★★★
    Mcoc noob on YouTube has the best guides.
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    Wong_99Wong_99 Posts: 604 ★★★
    HoadyOZ said:

    8.2 was toughest for me. I kept a journal of it so let me know if you need any help or tips. I must have used a ton of revives for my first Bahamet fight, but only needed one for my final fight, so he gets easier as you figure him out.

    Could you make a post of it? Been stalling on doing 8.1 and 8.2, because I feel like it’ll be a huge slogfest, but maybe that’ll help motivate me
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    shield311shield311 Posts: 381 ★★
    edited June 10
    gl, even im on the same road as u lol
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    HoadyOZHoadyOZ Posts: 228
    Wong_99 said:

    HoadyOZ said:

    8.2 was toughest for me. I kept a journal of it so let me know if you need any help or tips. I must have used a ton of revives for my first Bahamet fight, but only needed one for my final fight, so he gets easier as you figure him out.

    Could you make a post of it? Been stalling on doing 8.1 and 8.2, because I feel like it’ll be a huge slogfest, but maybe that’ll help motivate me
    Ok. I started to record it on Discord. I’ll get it updated and leave a link here.
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★
    Markjv81 said:

    Mcoc noob on YouTube has the best guides.

    Yeah he has gotten me through so much content. 6/10 I don’t have the proper champs for the path he recommends so it takes me a while to find someone who works or rank up a champ
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★
    Day 2:

    Got a lot of work done today! I had to spend a good amount of revives on proxima boss for 8.1.4, becuse I didn’t bring the right counters and wasn’t playing good. But great progress!
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★

    Day 2:

    Got a lot of work done today! I had to spend a good amount of revives on proxima boss for 8.1.4, becuse I didn’t bring the right counters and wasn’t playing good. But great progress!

    Day 2 1/2:

    I had a strike of inspiration after a nap so decided to hop back in and do some more. I will have to grind out more units because I’ve spent a vast majority of mine so far
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    OpandemonioOpandemonio Posts: 1,291 ★★★★
    edited June 10
    How's your roaster looking? Act 8 can be done itemless, most of your revives and units will be more used on the bosses
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    captaincushcaptaincush Posts: 633 ★★★
    mattress said:

    Good luck. I'm going back and forth. Did 8.1 after initial completion but went back to 8.4. Have 2 paths at the boss then goin back to 8.2.
    Hopin to have exploration done by July 4th

    You should aim for exploration to be done by end of June so you get the updated monthly login calendar as well
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★

    How's your roaster looking? Act 8 can be done itemless, most of your revives and units will be more used on the bosses

    Yeah that’s where all the units are going.
    My roster:

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    Wong_99Wong_99 Posts: 604 ★★★
    That overflow is sad
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★
    Wong_99 said:

    That overflow is sad

    I hate having stuff in overflow, I also only have 300 crystals in my crystal tab👀
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★
    Day 3:

    Today was a mess. I decided to try the scyntalis, and my first path only took 1 revive. “Ok, let’s do em all!!” The next path took 500 units. I mean depends on how you look at it, I did 2 scyntalis paths!, or I spent my whole stash of 500 units….
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    Darkraw346Darkraw346 Posts: 2,092 ★★★★

    Day 3:

    Today was a mess. I decided to try the scyntalis, and my first path only took 1 revive. “Ok, let’s do em all!!” The next path took 500 units. I mean depends on how you look at it, I did 2 scyntalis paths!, or I spent my whole stash of 500 units….

    The 8.1.3 Psycho man boss' presence alone curses your progression... that's why.
    Tho you should slow down, get better attempts
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★

    Day 3:

    Today was a mess. I decided to try the scyntalis, and my first path only took 1 revive. “Ok, let’s do em all!!” The next path took 500 units. I mean depends on how you look at it, I did 2 scyntalis paths!, or I spent my whole stash of 500 units….

    The 8.1.3 Psycho man boss' presence alone curses your progression... that's why.
    Tho you should slow down, get better attempts
    Yeah you’re right. My friend told me today that 8.2 was his last piece of content (because he is also exploring act 8,) and that is true for me too. I should start to take it a little slower for sure. I honestly just want it over with. Especially after glyhkan, I want it to be done.
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    HoadyOZHoadyOZ Posts: 228
    @Kingering_King before you do one of the Acts, post here first to get some tips. Which path are you attempting next?
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★
    HoadyOZ said:

    @Kingering_King before you do one of the Acts, post here first to get some tips. Which path are you attempting next?

    Okay let me get some pics
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★
    edited June 11
    HoadyOZ said:

    @Kingering_King before you do one of the Acts, post here first to get some tips. Which path are you attempting next?

    @HoadyOZ Here is the 2 paths I will do next

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    Mr Wilson FiskMr Wilson Fisk Posts: 276 ★★
    edited June 11
    I suggest leveling up your venom! I've used him SOOOO much alongside scorpion throughout 8! He was my MVP against scytalis too! Mine is Rank 2
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    HoadyOZHoadyOZ Posts: 228
    For the 8.1.3 Wolverine path, make sure you don’t have nullify/stagger or fate seal champs and try not to get hit!
    My team was Guillotine 2099 (Wolverine, X-23 and Sabretooth) You might use Fantman instead.
    Hulkling (Quake and Overseer)
    Human Torch (Shang Chi), you might try Scorpion instead, or Spiderpig
    Hulkling for the Psychoman boss.
    I don’t recognise the Black Widow path, sorry. Which act is that from?
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★
    HoadyOZ said:

    For the 8.1.3 Wolverine path, make sure you don’t have nullify/stagger or fate seal champs and try not to get hit!
    My team was Guillotine 2099 (Wolverine, X-23 and Sabretooth) You might use Fantman instead.
    Hulkling (Quake and Overseer)
    Human Torch (Shang Chi), you might try Scorpion instead, or Spiderpig
    Hulkling for the Psychoman boss.
    I don’t recognise the Black Widow path, sorry. Which act is that from?

    @HoadyOZ Thank you so much! The black widow path is 8.1.2
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★
    Day 4:
    Since I had 0 units to start, I was feeling a little daunted, wasn’t even sure if I was going to do anything, but…

    I explored 8.1.3 (thanks @HoadyOZ for the help!!) and was like, “My r2 juggs beat up glyhkan, why not try Scyntalis?” So he was my mvp for today. I REVIVELESS beat her!! 3 more paths to go!! But the 8.1.2 path I posted above will be the hardest for me, becuse I don’t have the best bleeders OR units to unitman through. Any advice on it is appreciated!
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