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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

RAID MODOK. The missions make the fight harder. Why?

SeyuohSeyuoh Posts: 61
Not sure why it made it all caps, but I’m just gonna leave it that way.
These missions 66% of the time, quite literally force you to do either no damage at all (whiff attacks) or do very little block damage (block 5 hits)
This in combination with the ultra aggressive AI patterns MODOK exhibits, makes this fight an absolute nightmare.
Kabam I hope you’re seeing the overwhelming amount of negative feedback on MODOK in particular, and you change this fight somehow.
I've got a sinking feeling that many many alliances, will not be taking part in raids anymore unless you do so.
Which would not be ideal, because I actually enjoy raids; but I do not enjoy anti player mechanics such as these.


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    Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Posts: 1,069 ★★★★
    Commented on another thread about getting 4 whiffs in a row. Surely it can't get worse...

    Ofcourse, it got worse. 3 hit blocks - whiff - hit block - whiff - hit block - whiff - 2 hit blocks, I saw 1 whole minute of the 3 minute timer tick down while I sat there doing virtually no dmg.

    I've got 3 revives left, I won't even bother completing missions now, I'll get the initial role charge going and just play normally after that.
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    EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Posts: 290
    Can confirm that Modok missions together with the AI make it impossible. Would like to know if there are any alliances managing to complete without massive unit spend on revives.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,162 ★★★★★
    edited June 15
    Kabam clearly wants you to use "piercing" stat focus to deal damage to modok through block. 🤪
    Because all I get is "hit block 5 times lol" 😃
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    Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Posts: 1,069 ★★★★

    Can confirm that Modok missions together with the AI make it impossible. Would like to know if there are any alliances managing to complete without massive unit spend on revives.

    I've actually been able to take down like 6~8% per run using vox, the problem is that I'm running out of revives and my teammates' champs aren't faring as well.
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    Baron427Baron427 Posts: 76
    I've gotten auto blocked mid special countless times then he finishes you off. This is after dancing around like an idiot for a minute and a half trying to build charges, smh.
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    SeyuohSeyuoh Posts: 61

    Can confirm that Modok missions together with the AI make it impossible. Would like to know if there are any alliances managing to complete without massive unit spend on revives.

    I've actually been able to take down like 6~8% per run using vox, the problem is that I'm running out of revives and my teammates' champs aren't faring as well.
    Titania (if I get decent RNG) has worked decently well for me too. But along with the bug that if you “knock him down” only proccs with a heavy- this fight is just nothing but pure, absolute RNG and tedium. Kabam owes everyone compensation, for us having to deal with such a fight changing bug- in a mode where every bit of damage we do counts tenfold.
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    SeyuohSeyuoh Posts: 61

    Can confirm that Modok missions together with the AI make it impossible. Would like to know if there are any alliances managing to complete without massive unit spend on revives.

    So far I’ve used about 2k worth of units, and every.single. free revive they give you in the store. This is my first ever time raiding, and I don’t think I’ll be doing it again after this.
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,470 ★★★★★
    Seyuoh said:

    Can confirm that Modok missions together with the AI make it impossible. Would like to know if there are any alliances managing to complete without massive unit spend on revives.

    So far I’ve used about 2k worth of units, and every.single. free revive they give you in the store. This is my first ever time raiding, and I don’t think I’ll be doing it again after this.
    They’ll probably tune the modok boss down if the data shows that he’s too hard. The previous iteration of raids was pretty easy and this one has the modok issue

    Also I’d recommend not spending units for revives in raids
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,510 ★★★★
    Seyuoh said:

    Can confirm that Modok missions together with the AI make it impossible. Would like to know if there are any alliances managing to complete without massive unit spend on revives.

    So far I’ve used about 2k worth of units, and every.single. free revive they give you in the store. This is my first ever time raiding, and I don’t think I’ll be doing it again after this.
    You shouldn't have used units, should've just tapped out after the free ones.
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    SchwarteSchwarte Posts: 48
    Our alliance has now abandoned it after all revivers and serums have been used up.

    But at this point I have to thank Kabam... was already thinking about whether to stop playing. Kabam has now made the decision for me. Thanks. <3
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    kus234kus234 Posts: 223 ★★
    The knockdown bug is killing . Knockdown on specials are not even registering
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    SeyuohSeyuoh Posts: 61
    edited June 18

    Seyuoh said:

    Can confirm that Modok missions together with the AI make it impossible. Would like to know if there are any alliances managing to complete without massive unit spend on revives.

    So far I’ve used about 2k worth of units, and every.single. free revive they give you in the store. This is my first ever time raiding, and I don’t think I’ll be doing it again after this.
    You shouldn't have used units, should've just tapped out after the free ones.
    If I hadn’t have used the units, me and my alliance would’ve never finished; and I’d have never gotten my 7500 7* shards that then added more sigs to my 7* Sunspot (huge win in my book)
    But I definitely see where you’re coming from. In my eyes every alliance should be entitled to some sort of compensation, especially due to that fight altering bug- where knocking MODOK down only counted if you used a heavy to do so.
    That’s just my opinion though.
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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,577 ★★★★★
    Knockdowns not counting, raid fervor not being awarded, charges disappearing.

    Contest of Bugs.
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