Event finished even though counter said it had 24 hours still

damianohmdamianohm Member Posts: 163
Hey all,

Trying to figure out if this is working as intended or whether there was a bug on my game.

I was planning to complete part 2 of Spring of Sorrow but had been pretty busy so had been putting it off. I had been checking my game timer to see when the event would finish to plan out when I could fit it in and in game on the last day it was telling me I had 1 day and 10 hours left to complete it.

I sat down that evening around the point where it was dropping to 24 hours left and guess what?! the event ended.....

I didn't get a screen shot of where it said that i had 1 day and 10 hours left as I didn't know there was a problem but I did get a screenshot of it still saying there was 23 hours left even though the event and rewards hand ended....

Supposedly there is a grace period for completing timed events but this really isn't clear.

Bit annoyed at this as I missed all the objectives....


  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    the timer was probably wrong. SoS rotates every 2 weeks on Wednesday, the same time as all updates (7pm in the uk)
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,210 ★★★★★
    If you're in a quest it gives you an extra 24 hours to finish it before it kicks you out. This does not apply to objectives associated with quests though
  • damianohmdamianohm Member Posts: 163
    Does the timer change though? When I enter the event now it says the same whether I have started the event or not and the overall time on part 3 is not longer than 14 days so why did part 2 say it had an extra 24 hrs unless like Lokx suggests the timer had an error?
  • damianohmdamianohm Member Posts: 163
    @Kabam Zibiit not sure who could help me understand this but I am still feeling that this is a bug and not a misunderstanding of the functionality.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,210 ★★★★★
    damianohm said:

    Does the timer change though? When I enter the event now it says the same whether I have started the event or not and the overall time on part 3 is not longer than 14 days so why did part 2 say it had an extra 24 hrs unless like Lokx suggests the timer had an error?

    Not in quest:

    In quest:

  • damianohmdamianohm Member Posts: 163
    That's different on the event quests. On my SOS quests I get the same timers on both in quest and out of quest:

    These both show the same value right? so not the same.
  • damianohmdamianohm Member Posts: 163
    @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra can any of you answer this for me? Thanks.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,159 ★★★★★
    You "been" putting it off, "checking" the event timer and didnt notice a time change?..
    Anyone who has been playing long enough and has done OTHER events like SoS, WoW, EoP knows that it ends on a Wednesday 11 PST before the next one starts.
  • damianohmdamianohm Member Posts: 163
    Helpful comment thanks. Yes I have been playing since the game started but have a life and don't track all event start and end times.

    Did you look at the screen shots? You can see in them the differences in times which, no, I've never noticed happen before.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,159 ★★★★★
    damianohm said:

    Helpful comment thanks. Yes I have been playing since the game started but have a life and don't track all event start and end times.

    Did you look at the screen shots? You can see in them the differences in times which, no, I've never noticed happen before.

    You should have looked at the objective timers too
  • damianohmdamianohm Member Posts: 163
    Again, thanks for the help but there isn't a timer on the Spring of Sorrow objectives so the only timer I had was the one on the quest.
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