All but two of my games since the deals dropped have had 9-14 r3s one guy had 14 and the rest was either duped 7* r2s or 6* r5 ascended. He had bullseye, onslaught, photon, arcade and weapon X at r3, wasn't a fan 😂 luckily he stunk as a lot of the whales usually do.
I’ve maxed at 10-12 as far as I can tell—I counted 10-11, but the opponent had so many high ranked champs I may have missed one or two— R3 Onslaught was in the third row of the deck😂😂😂
It’s funny, I’ve seen people with a ton of r3’s and they either have the skills to back up the roster strength or they make the most mind boggling decisions known to mankind that makes me wonder if they’ve played the game at all
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola