Nothing's wrong with the champion's kit, But whenever she enters sand, as a defender, The game starts to lag and is literally unplayable.
My device is redmi note 8 pro and the game always runs smooth except dust's sand mode.
Idk why they made her animations so graphic intense, I cannot see her in sand mode as well. Anyone else experience this?
My device is redmi note 8 pro and the game always runs smooth except dust's sand mode.
Idk why they made her animations so graphic intense, I cannot see her in sand mode as well. Anyone else experience this?
Guess I have to ban dusts in bgs.
Well I still say her animations are clumsy.
Then I read the post... Lol Wiccan all over again.
Sorry I'm not a tech guy so I don't know proper terms or if that's even possible
And I hope Kabam don't "fix" her 🙄