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Sinister sales early shutdown

Berat1Berat1 Posts: 12
Isn't it very annoying that Sinister sales expire in 2 days after you buy the first one?


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    Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Posts: 230 ★★★
    We will never know, but my hunch is that this event hasn’t performed too well for Kabam. Pretty average cash and unit deals, plus the early cutoff… if you want to create a powerful sense of FOMO and use the cutoff as a motivating factor, deals probably needed to be more exciting.

    Not saying they are bad, but it’s the first time in a while I have simply evaluated the offers in a rational sense without any kind of excitement to tilt the decision toward spending more.
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    Warren_painWarren_pain Posts: 31
    edited June 30
    Kabam honestly you ruined your good run the game was going alright only issue was match making on bg.......then you pull this smh way to kill moral kabam.....greedy tactics are back in full force
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    PseudouberPseudouber Posts: 785 ★★★
    I have people in my alliance that's still have it showing 4 more days and they did buy on the first day too
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    Suros_moonSuros_moon Posts: 465 ★★★

    I have people in my alliance that's still have it showing 4 more days and they did buy on the first day too

    Get them to provide screenshots. If some people were given longer to buy the same deals thats a pretty bad practice
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,376 Guardian

    I have people in my alliance that's still have it showing 4 more days and they did buy on the first day too

    Are you sure they didn’t mean that they bought one of the UNIT STORE offers (like Odin's) with the added Bonus stuff in them ?

    Instead of the Pop-Up bottom icon offers where you are spending units (not buying units) ?
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    PseudouberPseudouber Posts: 785 ★★★
    Them saying they are running the sale until July 5th seems so misleading. Kabam is shady AF. I guess this is my lesson learned to stop giving them money. They design it like this on purpose.
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    PandingoPandingo Posts: 911 ★★★
    Idk that we can jump to conclusions just yet. They laid off a lot of people so no more weekend warrior mods. And the sale dropped on Friday. With all the cuts they've made I'm sure they are working a strict schedule to reduce money spent on employees. So it COULD be a bug like it was before. And they may have intended for it to be 7 days. We will see tomorrow I assume. The fomo aspect doesn't really work here. If that's their goal they should fire whoever suggested it. Simply put, if a person wants it they will buy it. If they don't they won't. We as a community look forward to it for months. All the timer does is make it so people who need to wait until say...wednesday...to get paid will end up NOT spending their money because they don't wanna have to build up again to the higher offers. So it doesn't create fomo. It creates opportunities for people to justify not spending. Just my two sense. Some people need to move money around. That takes time. If they miss out they may say oh well.
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    Berat1Berat1 Posts: 12
    I really shocked
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,993 ★★★★★
    @Pandingo said:

    Idk that we can jump to conclusions just yet. They laid off a lot of people so no more weekend warrior mods. And the sale dropped on Friday. With all the cuts they've made I'm sure they are working a strict schedule to reduce money spent on employees. So it COULD be a bug like it was before. And they may have intended for it to be 7 days. We will see tomorrow I assume. The fomo aspect doesn't really work here. If that's their goal they should fire whoever suggested it. Simply put, if a person wants it they will buy it. If they don't they won't. We as a community look forward to it for months. All the timer does is make it so people who need to wait until say...wednesday...to get paid will end up NOT spending their money because they don't wanna have to build up again to the higher offers. So it doesn't create fomo. It creates opportunities for people to justify not spending. Just my two sense. Some people need to move money around. That takes time. If they miss out they may say oh well.

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    RaulvallecaSRaulvallecaS Posts: 35
    I've been waiting to get my salary from work and suddenly the offers don't come out because you've decided that it's a good idea that they disappear 48 hours later, so nothing, saving for me and less for the game.
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    HalleyHalley Posts: 395 ★★
    48 hours for Unit deals end soon in order to push you to spend money on Dollar deals
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    Bigfoot33Bigfoot33 Posts: 163 ★★

    I thought after 2 days the first tiers will appear again to repurchase. Ah well

    Haha, I was hoping for the same.
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    hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Posts: 2,195 ★★★★★
    edited July 2
    BabyGroot said:

    Yes it is. It's a sales tactic to invoke fear of loss to generate impulse purchases. The way I look at it, plan before you grab anything and set a limit. The bright side is that you only have to make it through 2 days of temptation to spend more instead of a whole week. When a salesman used sneaky tactics against you, you just need to flip it on them.

    Lol.. it didn't work out for them in my case.. they didn't account for flaky people who forget things or lose track of time.. saved me some extra money 😌(not a smart business decision imo)
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    Dfraga71388Dfraga71388 Posts: 96
    Lost $100 from me that I was planning on spending, til I saw that the tier deals went away after buying first 2. Guess I missed the 48 hour timer they snuck in. Silly me for thinking we had all week
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    hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Posts: 2,195 ★★★★★
    Honestly the whole format was weird? Just show what's in all the tiers ahead of time (still have to be purchased in order) and have the sale end when the event does? Lol, seems overcomplicated the way they did it?
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    Berat1Berat1 Posts: 12
    I am waiting :(
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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,353 ★★★★★

    @Pandingo said:

    Idk that we can jump to conclusions just yet. They laid off a lot of people so no more weekend warrior mods. And the sale dropped on Friday. With all the cuts they've made I'm sure they are working a strict schedule to reduce money spent on employees. So it COULD be a bug like it was before. And they may have intended for it to be 7 days. We will see tomorrow I assume. The fomo aspect doesn't really work here. If that's their goal they should fire whoever suggested it. Simply put, if a person wants it they will buy it. If they don't they won't. We as a community look forward to it for months. All the timer does is make it so people who need to wait until say...wednesday...to get paid will end up NOT spending their money because they don't wanna have to build up again to the higher offers. So it doesn't create fomo. It creates opportunities for people to justify not spending. Just my two sense. Some people need to move money around. That takes time. If they miss out they may say oh well.

    Hopefully people after reading this statement knows now and next time tier offers after buying the first they have 2 days to buy the next
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    PikokPikok Posts: 153 ★★
    Bendy said:

    @Pandingo said:

    Idk that we can jump to conclusions just yet. They laid off a lot of people so no more weekend warrior mods. And the sale dropped on Friday. With all the cuts they've made I'm sure they are working a strict schedule to reduce money spent on employees. So it COULD be a bug like it was before. And they may have intended for it to be 7 days. We will see tomorrow I assume. The fomo aspect doesn't really work here. If that's their goal they should fire whoever suggested it. Simply put, if a person wants it they will buy it. If they don't they won't. We as a community look forward to it for months. All the timer does is make it so people who need to wait until say...wednesday...to get paid will end up NOT spending their money because they don't wanna have to build up again to the higher offers. So it doesn't create fomo. It creates opportunities for people to justify not spending. Just my two sense. Some people need to move money around. That takes time. If they miss out they may say oh well.

    Hopefully people after reading this statement knows now and next time tier offers after buying the first they have 2 days to buy the next
    Just post such information in official announcement of the event and you don’t need „hope” to avoid misunderstanding and miscommunication
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    PandingoPandingo Posts: 911 ★★★
    Well that info is from last year. Which was unintentional during the week. Sadly they don't seem to care. There was a post by Chris but it said it was designed that way. Which means they did a horrid job with communication. But that's what happens when you sever your staff and lay everything on just a handful of people. Net marble is really doing a terrible job of it.
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    DarkNightRiseDarkNightRise Posts: 214 ★★

    Kabam honestly you ruined your good run the game was going alright only issue was match making on bg.......then you pull this smh way to kill moral kabam.....greedy tactics are back in full force

    Stop blaming them! Again, this is a business model, so every decision made by profit, they don’t care about what you feel anw, they only base on data to make decision
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