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I’ll never be Valiant.

I’m paragon, I have 42 7* champs. I really enjoy collecting and playing new champs. But story mode is a lot for me, the fights are so long. So I’m stuck at 8.2.6, I’ll never play it. So now I’m stuck with paragon offers. I would have loved the Valiant offers. Lots of level ups. Anyone else stuck out there?


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    Joker1976Joker1976 Posts: 550 ★★★
    edited July 1
    Tbh i am sort of indifferent towards story content.
    Some boss fights and champion interactions on various nodes i have found to be really fun.
    Other parts i have found to be a slog and interactions to be annoying.
    The main idea imo, is to stay up to date with the content upon its release 100%.
    I have seen many people in situations that are having to play catchup because they chose just to do completion runs and then have to backtrack.
    That would be daunting to me, to look at my screen and see just completion runs ( through say act 8.1-8.6.)
    Point is it’s much better to push regardless if you like or dislike story content,..it is important.
    Who knows….through exploration, you may eventually find you enjoy some of it.
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    CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Posts: 850 ★★★
    act 8 is long? i thought it only 3 path which shorter than act 7 which have 6 path
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    Mr Wilson FiskMr Wilson Fisk Posts: 287 ★★

    act 8 is long? i thought it only 3 path which shorter than act 7 which have 6 path

    8.1 & 8.2 are 6 paths. But in the end it's worth it. Took me about a month to fully explore act 8.
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    LokxLokx Posts: 677 ★★★
    I mean you’re on 8.2, when it comes to 8.3 and onwards there is only three paths, waaay more manageable.

    Obviously people have difference preferences, i love story content and have been counting the days till act 9 finally comes out. But that aside, from my experience story content is pretty short, fights are not that long since a lot of nodes in act 8 work in favour of the champs, specifically the weapon capture nodes/weapon cooldown. One path, forgot which, allowed me to just stomp with titania and each fight was like 20-30 seconds because of the node.
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    Dr_doom1Dr_doom1 Posts: 86
    Zuro said:

    Well not with that attitude!

    ^ this

    I had the same mindset about thronebreaker but then my dad convinced me and i did it in 3 days and only used 5 revives on gm, just use guides and take a break when you feel like it
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    Asher1_1Asher1_1 Posts: 193
    When paragon were introduced it took me 1 year to beat act 6.4 boss 😂 I thought the same as I was too busy in real life never get the chance to farm revive & potions .on a break I found some time practice ,saw video ,farm Arena , revives got it done
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    I disagree with act 8 being long... act 8 is far easier than act 6 plus the nodes are so much fun
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    Plus you can't become Valiant unless you beat 8.3 and get 2 7 star rank 3s
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    TerminatrixTerminatrix Posts: 1,871 ★★★★★
    You've gotten past the longest fights and paths. Act 8 fights are shorter than the other acts.

    Also there's going to be another new progression title at some point. So enjoy being stuck at Paragon when the game moves forward and everybody else are 2 titles ahead of you.
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    Warren_painWarren_pain Posts: 31
    At least you don't have to do 6.2.4 again lol hated that champion fight
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    LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Posts: 8,650 ★★★★★
    I still haven't finished exploration of act 6. Loved act 8, especially with fewer paths. Spent zero units exploring. If you never become Valient that's on you, though I expect you'll get it eventually just by continuing to play
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    OmedennOmedenn Posts: 874 ★★★
    It’s 6 fights per path + boss - you can do a path each 10/15 minutes (this is including starting up the game and taking a few sips of water in between the fights).
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    OldManHopOldManHop Posts: 275 ★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    the fights are so long.

    Well this is straight up just not true. You aren't doing them right if they're too long
    Yep. If you're repeatedly unsuccessful at a thing despite refusing to give up, it usually means you're lacking critical information.

    I've been playing for 7-8 months... Every new progression title I've gotten up until Paragon was followed by the absolute certainty that I wouldn't be able to get any further because I didn't understand what I was dealing with

    If you asked me a few months ago, I'd of said that I'll be stuck at Conqueror forever... Now I'm on 8.1.6 and getting ready for my first Necro attempt.

    So many frustrated players could resolve most of their problems by watching some YouTube videos and saving revives for a couple weeks
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    OdachiOdachi Posts: 1,094 ★★★★
    If you are just here to collect champions, they are all available as 3*
    I don't know why you'd need r3 7* champs if you aren't playing the game.
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    WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Posts: 879 ★★★
    I became valiant without any of the valiant offers, in fact any offers as I was moving up from paragon to valiant as I was (and am) frugal as hell.
    Act 8 is doable, and neco can be a pain but it's doable with the right champs and are there tons of tutorials (ex. MCOCnoob, etc) out there.
    So pretty much it's all lame excuses, when it's actually doable with the wealth of info out there to become valiant.
    Most of us are gearing whatever the next progress is next year.
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    TIRTH777TIRTH777 Posts: 18
    edited July 1
    Me got valiant in 24 7* and also didn't had Kate and Aegon for necro. I did it with shuri and Stryfe.
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