BG/AQ alliance LF 1

Hello! Looking for solid, consistent, reliable players to join our team. Mandatory AQ with typical top 600 finish. (3xMap6). Shifted focus from AW to BG. Still run 3 groups, but other than placement, participation is optional. Looking at it as free loyalty, plus whatever else schwag rewards we get. Finished in Gold 4 with little effort. BG minimums, set at 200k for now, to see how it goes. Finished in top 10% last season and on pace to do better this time. Not everyone has gotten on board with the new program, so that's why we're looking. We value a real life first culture, but expect communication and effort to live up to ally obligations, when things come up. LINE required. LINE ID: wayco1181 MCOC: wayco1181 Ally name is: Mystic Kingdom [MysKg]. Please hit me up, if interested. Thanks!


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