[Team suggestion?] Spring of Sorrow - Gauntlet

It seems like Kabam has updated the objectives for SOS. I am wondering if there are any team recommendations (for each lane) now that allow players to complete left and right lane once while accomplishing all tasks?
The general idea that I used was:
-Right lane ~ Cosmic-tech champs only
1 clarity champ, 1 house of mirrors champ
My team was gladiator, guardian, and one other but I used gladiator for each fight reviveless
- Left lane ~ Skill-Science champs only
My team was Kingpin, Elsa, Torch.
Viv - Kingpin, super long fight but it's safe since he's tanky and regens a bunch
Iron Fist - Torch
Gwenpool- Kingpin spam sp2
Jessica- Any champ can solo if they don't purify. I forgot elsa purified so I used torch to clean up and he performed well.
Best of luck to you!
2017-20 Sci/Skill/House of Mirrors
Right side:
2020-24 Cosmic/Tech/Clarity
Herc or Hulkling/Odin(clarity)/Serpent
Plenty of options & other champs usable, but it looks like all objectives can be completed in 2 runs
That gets you every objective except science and skill, if you did the king groot objective you can skip one objective
Herc the rest but let Odin finish Jessica.
Knocks out 3 Objectives (Clarity, Cosmic/Tech, 2021-2024)