[Team suggestion?] Spring of Sorrow - Gauntlet

GAMEOVERJamesGAMEOVERJames Member Posts: 907 ★★★
It seems like Kabam has updated the objectives for SOS. I am wondering if there are any team recommendations (for each lane) now that allow players to complete left and right lane once while accomplishing all tasks?



  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,190 ★★★★
    Well what does your roster look like? It's hard to be specific on who to bring if you don't have the character ranked up.

    The general idea that I used was:

    -Right lane ~ Cosmic-tech champs only
    1 clarity champ, 1 house of mirrors champ
    My team was gladiator, guardian, and one other but I used gladiator for each fight reviveless

    - Left lane ~ Skill-Science champs only
    My team was Kingpin, Elsa, Torch.

    Viv - Kingpin, super long fight but it's safe since he's tanky and regens a bunch
    Iron Fist - Torch
    Gwenpool- Kingpin spam sp2
    Jessica- Any champ can solo if they don't purify. I forgot elsa purified so I used torch to clean up and he performed well.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,241 ★★★★
    edited July 2024
    Left side:
    2017-20 Sci/Skill/House of Mirrors
    Right side:
    2020-24 Cosmic/Tech/Clarity
    Herc or Hulkling/Odin(clarity)/Serpent

    Plenty of options & other champs usable, but it looks like all objectives can be completed in 2 runs
  • FolkvangrFolkvangr Member Posts: 270 ★★★
    I went with Serpent, shuri and king groot for left side and Domino, Storm X and Fury for right side
    That gets you every objective except science and skill, if you did the king groot objective you can skip one objective
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,444 ★★★★★
    I ran with Odin, Hercules and Serpent for the right. Serpent is a somewhat slow, but safe option for Onslaught especially if you tack on Odin's Prefights and Odin is amazing for Annihilus.

    Herc the rest but let Odin finish Jessica.

    Knocks out 3 Objectives (Clarity, Cosmic/Tech, 2021-2024)
  • Krishna24Krishna24 Member Posts: 416 ★★★
    I dont have serpent, whom should I take for right side I am thinking of Herc, Odin and ?
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