Deadpool Event store

This is why the game is lost its appeal. The first 4 star Deadpool arena was fun even though it was a useless champ. The second arena was even better because you got the dupe. The 5 star Deadpool event was ok but still fun and exciting to see if I could get enough points. All the events included playing the game got you a Deadpool. The straight give us money A **** ton of money and you get Deadpool is STUPID! and lazy. Not having an event to get 7 star Deadpool this month is horrible. If you had buffed Deadpool and made his damage comparable to today’s standards I might agree with this money wall to get him. But you were too lazy to buff him. This is not the way to energize the players. Please do better this game could go on forever if you just try. Hire some motivated workers who don’t view themselves as Kabam Jesus. Like Miike! RIP
You have to understand that 7* Deadpool is biggest cash cow currently, no way you're getting him from an event, best we'll get is 5* Deadpool event
He's always treated as rare trophy champ
Kabam is giving us a lot of events and activity to do in game to the point that there were people complaining about too much content not that long ago. They could release 10 amazing events but still be treated like they’re lazy and not doing enough because someone wants something they have imagined in their head.
There have been a lot of things i’ve hated in the forum lately, with the constant defenders who can’t let fair/valod criticism or concerns be, but i can’t blame constant forum defenders when post like these pop up.
No wait…i didn’t, because to me that would be crazy. 🤪
But that’s just the point, if you don’t like the offers you can pass, and if you do then all the power to you…go crazy.
Videos anyone?