Dump the things you want updates on here

For me:
Ai (especially with the intercept stuff)
Beta ray bill
Iron heart and dust balancing
Ai (especially with the intercept stuff)
Beta ray bill
Iron heart and dust balancing
Ironheart and Dust should drop this week cause it’s the end of July (stg they better not keep pushing it with that and delay it by a month)
I’d also want an update on the AI though I don’t expect it anytime soon and I want to know how long they’ll need to look at the daily super data before bringing it back
Change in incursions and loyalty crystal pool.
Update about when and how the super event returns.
It’s so tedious and the rewards really aren’t worth it anymore
Sunday arenas
Updated version of variants.
-Catalyst arenas
-EQ difficulty with better rewards
-Super Daily Event to return permanently
But my heart really want to know when I can see 7 Star og Guillotine in the game.i would rank 3 her the day I will get her just hoping to see her soon before deathless Thanos release because I will most probably will take the half retirement from this game at that time
-When will we get new relics
-When will stores be updated
-Will we ever see Galactus as a character/challange
-When will MEQ get its next difficulty level or update.
New relics
New variants
- Updates to loyalty store and trader's outpost
- The august everest content so i can get deathless vision
Daily objective crystals
7 star Arena boosts
Solo crystals
silver sable
AI issues
Input issues
Loyalty store
Titan pool
Glory store
Bg store
Bg season rewards
Daily super event
Loyalty 7 star crystal pool
Incursion 7 star crystal pool
SOS rewards
Iron patriot
SOS difficulty
Defensive AI
Event quests
Side quests
Doctor strange
Price for buying deathless champion pieces
Exalted crystal shards
7 star r3 materials
7 star class based items
New permanent endgame content
7 star maestro dupe
New Carina challenges
New omega days type event
Updated legends crystals
Bg matchmaking fix
- make it 2* arena with units as now 18k offer
became 36k 🤷