The Lizard (Science) Design Concept
This is not an official design or leak made or supported by Kabam or the MCOC team.
[Signature Ability: Strength of Science
- All of The Lizard's special attacks cannot be dexed and are now passively unblockable
- Every time a bleed is placed on the opponent (active or passive) or fails to place on the opponent place a passive rupture charge which when the heavy attack is launched deals 1%-10% (depending on sig level) of your base attack per rupture charge; if the opponent is immune to bleed all rupture charges consumed will turn into ruptures the same way the bleeds would
- When finishing a combo with a light attack inflict a regeneration debuff on the opponent that heals 1%-5% (depending on sig level) of their base health
- The first bleed placed on the opponent is indefinite and cannot be removed or cleansed by any means including The Lizard's own kit
- Curt starts the fight with poison, power sting, and precision immunities and decreases the time of all other damaging debuffs on him by 60%
- When a precision buff would be gained, instead gain a buff immunity debuff that lasts for 10 seconds; the buff immunity doesn't stack but refreshes if retriggered
- If a buff fails to be placed because of the buff immunity, The Lizard places a 10% petrify debuff on the opponent
- When Conners' intercepts the opponent he places a 100% specter debuff for 10 seconds (Im not too sure about the percentage I just want this to cancel willpower); on defense this places when the attacker is struck by The Lizard's first medium and can apply through block unless it is a parry
- Each basic hit has a 75% chance to inflict a 10 second bleed debuff that does 5% of his base damage per tick; all bleeds that are cleansed are turned into passives and increased to 15 seconds (starts when they are placed) but do 90% less damage than the normal bleed)
- The heavy attack turns all bleeds (passive or not, except when awakened) into ruptures; these ruptures deal the same damage as the normal bleed however last indefinitely until removed; if these ruptures are cleansed or removed off of the opponent they turn into passives but deal 25% less damage; the heavy does 2 hits
- #Spiderverse champions cannot evade The Lizard and when the evade fails place a 10% petrify on them]
- Special One: Remove all specter and petrify debuffs on the opponent and turn them into passive regeneration buffs that heal 5% of The Lizard's max hp each. The final hit of this attack places an indefinite 25% physical vulnerability on the opponent; if the physical vulnerability is cleansed it is replaced with a 15 second passive 10% one.
- Special Two: This attack does 5 hits and does 2x damage. Each hit does 150% extra direct damage to the opponent per rupture on them. Refresh all ruptures on the opponent.
- Special Three: This attack does 2x more damage for every debuff or passive debuff on the opponent (multipliers add so if there was 3 debuffs on the opponent it would only do 6x damage instead of 8x) and places a permanent 40% fear passive.]
- For short fights build up to special 2 then launch the first hit of your heavy and launch the special 2 and then launch special ones to regen any lost health
- For medium fights do the same rotation above however only throw special 2s
- For long fights build to special 2, launch the first hit of your heavy and launch the special 2 and then build up to special 3, launch the first hit of your heavy and launch the special 3; rinse repeat]
Thank you for reading and please give any feedback you have
This is not an official design or leak made or supported by Kabam or the MCOC team.
[Signature Ability: Strength of Science
- All of The Lizard's special attacks cannot be dexed and are now passively unblockable
- Every time a bleed is placed on the opponent (active or passive) or fails to place on the opponent place a passive rupture charge which when the heavy attack is launched deals 1%-10% (depending on sig level) of your base attack per rupture charge; if the opponent is immune to bleed all rupture charges consumed will turn into ruptures the same way the bleeds would
- When finishing a combo with a light attack inflict a regeneration debuff on the opponent that heals 1%-5% (depending on sig level) of their base health
- The first bleed placed on the opponent is indefinite and cannot be removed or cleansed by any means including The Lizard's own kit
- Curt starts the fight with poison, power sting, and precision immunities and decreases the time of all other damaging debuffs on him by 60%
- When a precision buff would be gained, instead gain a buff immunity debuff that lasts for 10 seconds; the buff immunity doesn't stack but refreshes if retriggered
- If a buff fails to be placed because of the buff immunity, The Lizard places a 10% petrify debuff on the opponent
- When Conners' intercepts the opponent he places a 100% specter debuff for 10 seconds (Im not too sure about the percentage I just want this to cancel willpower); on defense this places when the attacker is struck by The Lizard's first medium and can apply through block unless it is a parry
- Each basic hit has a 75% chance to inflict a 10 second bleed debuff that does 5% of his base damage per tick; all bleeds that are cleansed are turned into passives and increased to 15 seconds (starts when they are placed) but do 90% less damage than the normal bleed)
- The heavy attack turns all bleeds (passive or not, except when awakened) into ruptures; these ruptures deal the same damage as the normal bleed however last indefinitely until removed; if these ruptures are cleansed or removed off of the opponent they turn into passives but deal 25% less damage; the heavy does 2 hits
- #Spiderverse champions cannot evade The Lizard and when the evade fails place a 10% petrify on them]
- Special One: Remove all specter and petrify debuffs on the opponent and turn them into passive regeneration buffs that heal 5% of The Lizard's max hp each. The final hit of this attack places an indefinite 25% physical vulnerability on the opponent; if the physical vulnerability is cleansed it is replaced with a 15 second passive 10% one.
- Special Two: This attack does 5 hits and does 2x damage. Each hit does 150% extra direct damage to the opponent per rupture on them. Refresh all ruptures on the opponent.
- Special Three: This attack does 2x more damage for every debuff or passive debuff on the opponent (multipliers add so if there was 3 debuffs on the opponent it would only do 6x damage instead of 8x) and places a permanent 40% fear passive.]
- For short fights build up to special 2 then launch the first hit of your heavy and launch the special 2 and then launch special ones to regen any lost health
- For medium fights do the same rotation above however only throw special 2s
- For long fights build to special 2, launch the first hit of your heavy and launch the special 2 and then build up to special 3, launch the first hit of your heavy and launch the special 3; rinse repeat]
Thank you for reading and please give any feedback you have
The immunities is just so that hes a relevant defender and can't get nuked down by champs that put a ton of debuffs on him.
Him having immunities doesn't make him a relevant defender though, he's not a defender at all so throwing immunity to poison, power sting and buffs on him is just too much. Immunities take up a lot of character kit space as per kabam so maybe giving him poison and buff immunity would work if you tone the rest of the kit down a little but there's no reason for him to be power sting immune
I do however see that it might be a little overkill to have all damaging debuffs be reduced by 60%; I was hoping this was a defensive mechanic but I see that it is fairly op on attack. I would just say maybe make it only defensive or remove it entirely. I just wanted his defense to be strong and matchup dependent like a lot of defenders today. I don't think Kabam would take it seriously, if they would in the first place, if his defensive prowess wasn't great considering he has a fairly bland offense. And for the powersting, like I said before I want there to be specific counters to him and characters that don't work. And even then its not like most meta relevant champs like cgr wouldn't be able to take him anyway.
Kabam just has a tendency to release incredibly strong new champs, apart from this year lol, and I feel like they wouldn't take it into consideration if he wasn't strong
The power sting immunity doesn't really track as necessary because what specific champions is it intended to counter? You can give him power sting immunity, but it has to be for a reason beyond just making the 5 power sting champions in the game that don't seem to be particularly great counters to begin with unusable.
Yes it isn't necessary but its fun and different. You could say this about serpent's 90% reduced bleed duration; unnecessary but it allows him to reduce the strength of certain attackers.
Obviously abilities can be added for fun, but it's not like he's a skill champion who's designed to counter science, he's a science champion that's essentially immune to an ability that very few champions use for seemingly no reason
I guess but I kinda wanted him to not be countered by those champs. This is my idea so I'll add what I want to it because mcoc has never really been a game of 'sense' and its just a fun idea to throw around.
I get what you're saying about the power sting, but he wouldn't be countered by those champions to begin with
Powersting champs aren't necessarily counters to any other champs, they are just good against most other champs so yeah he wouldn't be 'countered' by them but he would get nuked down like any other non-powersting immune champ