Why is raids entry still so expensive

This literally is not sustainable there is no way i should be going bankrupt every single time raids comes around and they strategically removed gold and battlechips as currency options to buy tickets, rewards in raids aren’t nearly good enough even after the buff to justify the cost, i would say it’s getting ridiculous but we’re already way past that.
What AQ does your alliance run?
But anyways if my alliance was made of me myself and i then i would surely do regular aq but since an alliance is made up of 30 people not me or the leaders can make that decision on their own, well they can but people can also make a decision on their own to leave you would need the input of all 30 people to make a decision like that and everyone situation is different. Also this post wasn't made to convince anyone of anything it’s simply to talk about a topic.
Not taking away from anyone just give players a bit more options to spend the cost.