Event screen change

All due respect, the new event screen is an eyesore. Is there a way to revert for those whom do not like it? I believe this could have been rolled out better, and definitely could have been done where it was more appealing to the eye. This isn't a quality of life that was ever brought up, nor in my option warranted or needed. in my opinion, this is however an unforced error.
Don't need artwork everywhere and must be really confusing for New players
There would be many other qol improvements to tackle, like autosell expiring items in stash, or the most important of all: bring back the daily super event.
Old one was simple and perfectly fine.
Please I beg KABAM revert back to the old one.
It's hard to concentrate, it's driving me nuts
This is the most annoying thing I've ever seen, it irks me to look at it.
I thought it was only me but seems the opinion is unanimous among the playerbase.
Please KABAM revert, it's not too late to repent
Still pretty garish, I don’t see any improvements. And red #s on the button, then the categories on the left, but not on the actual event? Had to click on everything individually to make that go away, including something I don’t care about. It’s also still not as easy to see what expired when and what’s coming. For example, looks like it’s saying something is coming in 7h and 15m, instead of 15m and it’s a 7h event.
Still has that annoying pause with flashing animation when you open stuff that you can’t turn off as well, I do not understand how this cleared QC.