New Event screen interface isn't helpful

The new 7 hour, 22 hour, weekly Event screen interface is quite confusing and doesn't make player's life easy, the old interface was easy to navigate & why change something that works perfectly just for sake of change, better to revert back
If it does happen to stick around though, I noticed that expired quests don't show exactly how long ago they expired.
I would ask that the team get that in if this new look is sticking around. But again, please revert to the old look.
The new ui is good, just needs a few minor tweaks to make it mobile friendly.
The black space can be utilised, less image banners and more minimalistic ui, big claim button, make milestones more visible. The ongoing, complete stuff is overlapping, shift somewhere suitable like left pane if there aren't more quest catagories.
I m a frontend developer myself so suggesting.
The catagory separation is good. Just need improvement on each quest item with arrangement and look to make it mobile friendly.