Let's talk about the new Deathless Vision

Wow..... That is all.. wow.....
(Said in Peter griffin voice)
In all seriousness, how come he's so bad??? Swedeah took him to R3 and he's hitting softer than the age of Ultron who's a non ascended R5..
Now normally ide give him a chance, because we have the "buff program" but lately since iron heart got no love, even though she just don't quite make it in any instance,, the program has been proven and absolute waste, I'm already nervous for my maxed out arcade..
What can we expect to do with deathless vision??
(Said in Peter griffin voice)
In all seriousness, how come he's so bad??? Swedeah took him to R3 and he's hitting softer than the age of Ultron who's a non ascended R5..
Now normally ide give him a chance, because we have the "buff program" but lately since iron heart got no love, even though she just don't quite make it in any instance,, the program has been proven and absolute waste, I'm already nervous for my maxed out arcade..
What can we expect to do with deathless vision??
For example, getting him means you can get Thanos. Also acquiring him allows you to use him in the quest for Thanos. He’s also a required team member for attaining Thanos
Everyone said deathless guillotine was trash but now she's a staple of bg decks
I'm an engineer, I build and maintain in automation, if I design and install something, I have to take a step back from the finish product and take pride in it.... Even if vision had his OG kit, he'd be twice the champ he is now.. I'm just a bit disappointed is all, and wanted to know some practical uses for a hard earned champ that took over 3 months to get
Wow 😅
Deathless: Inferior power control, mid damage (at best)
We lost what was truly useful about Vision, for just another champ with average damage.
And before anyone jumps in about a sometime-to-be-released synergy, don’t care.