Let's talk about the new Deathless Vision

JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Member Posts: 173 ★★★
edited August 8 in General Discussion
Wow..... That is all.. wow.....

(Said in Peter griffin voice)

In all seriousness, how come he's so bad??? Swedeah took him to R3 and he's hitting softer than the age of Ultron who's a non ascended R5..
Now normally ide give him a chance, because we have the "buff program" but lately since iron heart got no love, even though she just don't quite make it in any instance,, the program has been proven and absolute waste, I'm already nervous for my maxed out arcade..
What can we expect to do with deathless vision??


  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 1,635 ★★★★
    Iron heart is performing as they wanted her to, hence no buffs. Deathless Vision has been out for 24 hours and most people haven't gotten him ranked up never mind awakened and high sig, he seems to pop off in healing matches and quite frankly until we see what synergies are coming with the rest of the deathless champs is impossible to say whether he should be buffed or not.

    Everyone said deathless guillotine was trash but now she's a staple of bg decks
  • JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Member Posts: 173 ★★★
    edited August 8
    "there's alot you can do with him" Ok, apart from basically being a synergy...
    I'm an engineer, I build and maintain in automation, if I design and install something, I have to take a step back from the finish product and take pride in it.... Even if vision had his OG kit, he'd be twice the champ he is now.. I'm just a bit disappointed is all, and wanted to know some practical uses for a hard earned champ that took over 3 months to get
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 7,125 ★★★★★

    "there's alot you can do with him" Ok, apart from basically being a synergy...
    I'm an engineer, I build and maintain in automation, if I design and install something, I have to take a step back from the finish product and take pride in it.... Even if vision had his OG kit, he'd be twice the champ he is now.. I'm just a bit disappointed is all, and wanted to know some practical uses for a hard earned champ that took over 3 months to get

    I think if u want to use it has to be full synergy like we are yet to get his cruelty passive synergy which might be the need and the dup which be like the other 2 of u have to use him on the next sos event
  • JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Member Posts: 173 ★★★
    Bendy said:

    "there's alot you can do with him" Ok, apart from basically being a synergy...
    I'm an engineer, I build and maintain in automation, if I design and install something, I have to take a step back from the finish product and take pride in it.... Even if vision had his OG kit, he'd be twice the champ he is now.. I'm just a bit disappointed is all, and wanted to know some practical uses for a hard earned champ that took over 3 months to get

    I think if u want to use it has to be full synergy like we are yet to get his cruelty passive synergy which might be the need and the dup which be like the other 2 of u have to use him on the next sos event
    Forgot about the SOS event... That's going to be a right slog, I can see it now "power drain immune" being one of the nodes lol
  • IbijIbij Member Posts: 12
    Deathless dude
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 7,125 ★★★★★
    That last fight was insane but thats against a mutant dear god difference i can see though is his specials finally dealing damage plus power burn which is what was missing mostly but dear god he almost hits close to worse imagine if specials didnt do damage but kept just power burn
  • M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Member Posts: 236 ★★
    Will dupe and high sig make things any better?
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 7,125 ★★★★★

    Will dupe and high sig make things any better?

    That and most likely the cruelty passives yes i would say but sig only gives attack rating when heal blocked so how much of a different will see but doubt will make much
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,323 ★★★★★
    Bendy said:

    Will dupe and high sig make things any better?

    That and most likely the cruelty passives yes i would say but sig only gives attack rating when heal blocked so how much of a different will see but doubt will make much
    He hits harder than all the other Visions, I don’t get the complaints. Can finish fights in a decent time aswell, have these people played Warlock lol
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 7,125 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Will dupe and high sig make things any better?

    That and most likely the cruelty passives yes i would say but sig only gives attack rating when heal blocked so how much of a different will see but doubt will make much
    He hits harder than all the other Visions, I don’t get the complaints. Can finish fights in a decent time aswell, have these people played Warlock lol
    Ive played him and difference is yes finishes quicker its just have u seen swedeahs vid look at the difference is it really worth having 12 fury passives compared to 1 fury buff from a aarkus synergy which btw is almost hitting same numbers difference being specials now do damage he still hits quite weak basics so the complaint is fair as even i dont like his basic hits
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 7,125 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Will dupe and high sig make things any better?

    That and most likely the cruelty passives yes i would say but sig only gives attack rating when heal blocked so how much of a different will see but doubt will make much
    He hits harder than all the other Visions, I don’t get the complaints. Can finish fights in a decent time aswell, have these people played Warlock lol
    Also i will add he is the first deathless to have all pieces being temp so he should be more useable than aou or og vis which id probs use either over him due to they do control power better and less frustrating since u have to rely on ai to not throw specials since his specials dont gain power when connecting and to phase u have to push them below bars of power
  • XFREEDOMXXFREEDOMX Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    Such a waste of a champ!
  • Jan_McFly_Jan_McFly_ Member Posts: 20
    OMG just saw Swedeahs video on YouTube... Deathless Vision is absolutely not worth the grind. He is such a noodle and can't even really keep up with the kinda outdated OG Visions
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 1,635 ★★★★
    WeaponX said:

    For a meta chase champion that requires doing some of the most difficult content in game this is honestly an insult. What can be more disappointing that FINALLY getting the last piece and ending up with this dud? Common Kabam, I know you can do much better than this.

    Wait until his synergies come
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 8,062 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Will dupe and high sig make things any better?

    That and most likely the cruelty passives yes i would say but sig only gives attack rating when heal blocked so how much of a different will see but doubt will make much
    He hits harder than all the other Visions, I don’t get the complaints. Can finish fights in a decent time aswell, have these people played Warlock lol
    He does hit harder but his power control is weaker and Warlock has a lot more utility
  • E8_LatticeE8_Lattice Member Posts: 8
    What I don't get is how his attributes are 3.5 outa 5 in damage when other Visions are 1/5. A little extra special damage(when it crits) does not make up that difference at all. This is so disappointing...do they want ppl to not have fun? I don't get it at all
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,271 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    There’s a lot to do with him

    For example, getting him means you can get Thanos. Also acquiring him allows you to use him in the quest for Thanos. He’s also a required team member for attaining Thanos

    yep that about sums it up lol. i mean he's a good looking champ too. i just wish his power drain hadn't been altered. those furies don't do enough to even warrant the power drain modification.
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,100 ★★★★
    I'm optimistic he'll get a tune-up. Unfortunately, I'm confident it won't happen til after we have to use him to get the dupe.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,323 ★★★★★
    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    Will dupe and high sig make things any better?

    That and most likely the cruelty passives yes i would say but sig only gives attack rating when heal blocked so how much of a different will see but doubt will make much
    He hits harder than all the other Visions, I don’t get the complaints. Can finish fights in a decent time aswell, have these people played Warlock lol
    Ive played him and difference is yes finishes quicker its just have u seen swedeahs vid look at the difference is it really worth having 12 fury passives compared to 1 fury buff from a aarkus synergy which btw is almost hitting same numbers difference being specials now do damage he still hits quite weak basics so the complaint is fair as even i dont like his basic hits
    Synergies mean nothing, I’m sure Deathless Vision will have an amazing synergy with Thanos aswell, it’s about how the champion performs on its own. In that regard, Deathless is the best Vision champ because it doesn’t take a year to finish a fight.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 7,125 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    Will dupe and high sig make things any better?

    That and most likely the cruelty passives yes i would say but sig only gives attack rating when heal blocked so how much of a different will see but doubt will make much
    He hits harder than all the other Visions, I don’t get the complaints. Can finish fights in a decent time aswell, have these people played Warlock lol
    Ive played him and difference is yes finishes quicker its just have u seen swedeahs vid look at the difference is it really worth having 12 fury passives compared to 1 fury buff from a aarkus synergy which btw is almost hitting same numbers difference being specials now do damage he still hits quite weak basics so the complaint is fair as even i dont like his basic hits
    Synergies mean nothing, I’m sure Deathless Vision will have an amazing synergy with Thanos aswell, it’s about how the champion performs on its own. In that regard, Deathless is the best Vision champ because it doesn’t take a year to finish a fight.
    And thats mainly due to one thing that the other visions are missing is just specials doing damage with power burn if they did special damage and power burn they be good champs
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,323 ★★★★★
    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    Will dupe and high sig make things any better?

    That and most likely the cruelty passives yes i would say but sig only gives attack rating when heal blocked so how much of a different will see but doubt will make much
    He hits harder than all the other Visions, I don’t get the complaints. Can finish fights in a decent time aswell, have these people played Warlock lol
    Ive played him and difference is yes finishes quicker its just have u seen swedeahs vid look at the difference is it really worth having 12 fury passives compared to 1 fury buff from a aarkus synergy which btw is almost hitting same numbers difference being specials now do damage he still hits quite weak basics so the complaint is fair as even i dont like his basic hits
    Synergies mean nothing, I’m sure Deathless Vision will have an amazing synergy with Thanos aswell, it’s about how the champion performs on its own. In that regard, Deathless is the best Vision champ because it doesn’t take a year to finish a fight.
    And thats mainly due to one thing that the other visions are missing is just specials doing damage with power burn if they did special damage and power burn they be good champs
    And this new Vision does in fact deal damage. Far better damage than the older two.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 854 ★★★★
    Old Visions: Superior power control, inferior damage.

    Deathless: Inferior power control, mid damage (at best)

    We lost what was truly useful about Vision, for just another champ with average damage.

    And before anyone jumps in about a sometime-to-be-released synergy, don’t care.
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 1,635 ★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    Will dupe and high sig make things any better?

    That and most likely the cruelty passives yes i would say but sig only gives attack rating when heal blocked so how much of a different will see but doubt will make much
    He hits harder than all the other Visions, I don’t get the complaints. Can finish fights in a decent time aswell, have these people played Warlock lol
    Ive played him and difference is yes finishes quicker its just have u seen swedeahs vid look at the difference is it really worth having 12 fury passives compared to 1 fury buff from a aarkus synergy which btw is almost hitting same numbers difference being specials now do damage he still hits quite weak basics so the complaint is fair as even i dont like his basic hits
    Synergies mean nothing, I’m sure Deathless Vision will have an amazing synergy with Thanos aswell, it’s about how the champion performs on its own. In that regard, Deathless is the best Vision champ because it doesn’t take a year to finish a fight.
    The deathless champs are specifically being designed around being a team that has synergies with one another though?
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 854 ★★★★
    My take at this point is that we’ve got at least one deathless champ too many. Don’t we have to acquire Hyp and Switch before we get to Thanos? I’d say five deathless is enough before we get to the main event.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 7,125 ★★★★★

    My take at this point is that we’ve got at least one deathless champ too many. Don’t we have to acquire Hyp and Switch before we get to Thanos? I’d say five deathless is enough before we get to the main event.

    No just 4 main ones they confirmed so its either hype or sw
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