Crucible or necropolis or none
Member Posts: 634 ★★
This is my roster small one
How manu revives should I stack up
Crucible can be done in 30 revives if you plan well.
But what is the goal here? Is it to get to Valiant?
Doing the legendary CRUCIBLE 100% will get that 2->3 7* gem.
Have you explored act 7 & 8?
You might want to try out the normal difficulty first, just to see how your roster holds up. If you can take the fights in normal difficulty, there's nothing preventing you from doing the legendary one. There are no new nodes in there, just more HP and attack for the defenders.
If you have the roster to complete the Crucible, it's significantly easier to explore than to do even a single Necropolis run. However, if you don't have a wide enough roster for the Crucible, then you can just rank up Aegon and take on the Necropolis.
* Necropolis: is much harder and will require more revives, but requires less champions.
* Crucible: is significantly easier and won't require as many revives, but will require a much wider roster.
Decide where you land.