Rank Down Gems (More Available)

I think we are at a point in the games economy to at least see the appearance of more ways to get rank down gems. I have so many resources invested into 5 stars and even some 4 stars that I would love to rank down, get the resources, and put them into those same champs at a higher star rarity. This becomes an even bigger problem when you have 6 stars eating up more valuable resources then just to pull them as a 7 star. Even if we don’t see them completely readily available we should at least start seeing them more, starting with the lower star rarities being more readily available obviously
Each rank up should be thought out and rank down tickets just remove that aspect of the game entirely
Noticed you get BASIC (black) ISO back, instead of Class.
Wonder then if the amount of Levelup Gold returned is then also based on if you had originally been using Basic ISO (instead of class).
So when you go back and use Class ISO to increase Shocker back up again (for those with excess ISO in general), the net effect would be a positive gain on the amount of Gold you have ??