War Rewards Buff - Gold and below left in the dust again

So the top tiers of war got a nice buff:
But gold and below got basically nothing. Again. If the whole point of the war showcase is to get people interested in competitive war - how exactly is that accomplished when the gap keeps increasing to the point no lower alliance will ever be able to move up? If anything - it’s just killing off gold and below interest. You either join an already high tier alliance or war is pointless.
I don’t get it. This is two reward buffs now where gold and silver are left basically unchanged. Maybe someone smarter than me can explain how this helps the game.
But gold and below got basically nothing. Again. If the whole point of the war showcase is to get people interested in competitive war - how exactly is that accomplished when the gap keeps increasing to the point no lower alliance will ever be able to move up? If anything - it’s just killing off gold and below interest. You either join an already high tier alliance or war is pointless.
I don’t get it. This is two reward buffs now where gold and silver are left basically unchanged. Maybe someone smarter than me can explain how this helps the game.
Getting 4 tokens which can be exchanged for 4000 7* shards not enough?
This is what’s comical - I posted this knowing these are sorts of comments I would get. There is a disincentive to play war except at platinum+. It’s part of the reason I left the upper level gold alliance months ago where it was a requirement to participate. For what? The tiers above you are buffed on a schedule - we were getting 2 year old rewards. It’s a waste of time and effort. Still is.
When you take into account the fact that AQ is a dead game mode / chore, you’d think they would put more effort into AW as the only collaborative game mode with the potential to be consequential for players. But who knows, maybe there’s some cost or effort associated with doing it that they aren’t comfortable with.
Doesn't make sense.
YOU left upper alliances where one must join war, have minimal deaths so that whole 30 players can get rewards, you left it all, that's your choice, now you can't be entitled to those same rewards that YOU left, in lower brackets you get lower rewards, that's how COMPETITION works.
OP isn’t asking to be given top tier rewards. He’s asking, nicely, why lower tiers are seeing meager rewards buffs for the 2nd time in a row.
Now, with another improvement they went a few tiers down with quite some more noticable stuff...so i assume, next one they go even further with this.
Just patience
The whole "Waah, waah, you just want Platinum rewards for Gold play" nonsense is so ridiculous. No one is saying that Kabam should give low/mid-tier alliances the best stuff. The point is to update our rewards when they're updating the top alliances' rewards. What's the point of scrapping around along the borders of, say, Gold 3 when the difference of getting up to Gold 2 or falling down to Gold 4 are just different variations of frustratingly outdated rewards?
I could quit playing AW all together and the only thing I'd miss out on is the loyalty, which isn't even part of the end-of-season rewards. I'm happy that they added a couple of loyalty tokens to the rewards now, but they don't change much in the grand scheme of things.
But I did get a 6* nexus that finally got me herc so maybe that's why I'm good.
low level war rewards are designed with primary factor being developing alliances and accounts growing and climbing. hense rewards that suit lower progression.
and the secondary consideration is making it so that people have a choice to make,
push hard and do the best you can to get the best rewards possible for yourself,
play with little effort and just accept whatever rewards come to you.
its not designed to give big rewards to lazy players.
its designed incentivize players to push and reward those that do.
if gold rewards got better then i know i wouldn't bother trying to push for platinum. gotta use potions and boosts where i am.
if gold rewards were better i would just save my effort and items and stay there......
Buff the rewards, great. Don't buff the rewards, great.
BG + SOS + events like crucible + July 4 + black friday are where most non-whale, non top tier players should be focusing. EQ, SQ, AW, AQ, arenas are all time fillers.