Itching for new relics

Rrrrrrreeeeeeaaaallly would like some new relics over here….. lots of 7*s in the roster and nowhere near enough relics in game to spread around. By the time they make new ones I could be sitting on 100 to open

However, I think Kabam Crashed mentioned that the problem with them is that they take up about the same development time as new champions/buffs do, which made it hard to develop them alongside everything else that the development team are dealing with, especially now that they're creating an additional five Deathless champs this year. Supposedly there's also something else that the team is working on that drains even more time and resources, but he didn't expand on exactly what that was.
Relics that bind by tag, not be class, so you could have a nick fury avengers relic that would work for all the avengers, or that would be for all offensive burst or whatever.
Synergy Relics that activate synergy bonuses for the champion they are attached to.
Really outside the box, but tag team relics that let you link 2 of your characters and it swaps between them when you activate the striker.
But I also see all of those taking a lot of work and would much rather they get things fixed before they work on new relics.
I'm basing this assumption on what Kabam Crashed said recently. I don't recall the exact verbiage he used, but effectively he said they didn't have the development resources to keep up with relics. While he only said that recently, it's implied that that was the reason for the pause in late 2023.
We all now Kabam went through some layoffs since then, so it seems reasonable to believe they'll be even more resource constrained now, and heading into 2025.
Regardless, we shouldn't expect any additional information on relics til 2025. Then it's my humble opinion that the update will be telling us they're dead.
If it is going to, let us know that's the plan, but they gotta figure some things out.
First thing we want from relics is the striker function. Their best use is extending our combos and stunning the defender. They should start by creating Relics without any stats or effects just so we can have enough relics to equip on most of our champions. That way we can make sure to have all the champions we use have relics equipped for quests and nodes that require relics.
It's pretty annoying having to constantly switch which champion has a relic just for case of having a relic on them and then having to remember that I moved the relic and which champ has which relic now.
Basically, to expedite the relic creating process and increase their quantity to match our functioning roster, model Relics to only shoot out a striker, do some dmg, and put the defender into a stun as they leave. Don't bother adding additional stats and effects that will burden the designers to actually need an in debt education about each champion. If at anytime the developers feel like the relics could use ability enhancements, that could always be added later, like a relic rework... when they're done with all the champion reworks.