Why is kabam putting nodes as new hero abilities? (Enchantress)

What does kabam want us all to do - it’s just daft to have to do a version of aq raids or some sos content where we have to complete a challenge to stop ourselves from dieing vs a basic hero without nodes.
Removal spell - intercept
Removal spell - heavy punish
Removal spell - knock down
You have until she gets sp1 to do all this….feels like all the following nodes kind of all tweaked and then all rolled into one hero…
Aq raids - unparalleled buffs - you gain a charge whenever you punish opponents heavy or special attack.
Aq raids - modok - knock down modok to gain a raid charge when he prompts you to.
Nodes - opponents gets 60% protection unless you knock them down with a heavy.
Nodes - opponent gets a 60% protection unless intercepted.
Nodes - after opponent does a special, you have 6s to do a heavy or else you take 33% dmg.
This stuff is for nodes….not for hero kit…wth…
Removal spell - intercept
Removal spell - heavy punish
Removal spell - knock down
You have until she gets sp1 to do all this….feels like all the following nodes kind of all tweaked and then all rolled into one hero…
Aq raids - unparalleled buffs - you gain a charge whenever you punish opponents heavy or special attack.
Aq raids - modok - knock down modok to gain a raid charge when he prompts you to.
Nodes - opponents gets 60% protection unless you knock them down with a heavy.
Nodes - opponent gets a 60% protection unless intercepted.
Nodes - after opponent does a special, you have 6s to do a heavy or else you take 33% dmg.
This stuff is for nodes….not for hero kit…wth…
old design = too easy, won’t hit 5/5 goal
Masteries off = easy way to inflate difficulty artificially, everyone hates it
Complex but skill based = what they’re trying now
It’s not skill. It’s rng. Rng as to whether you get 3 spells u can easily remove and/or rng if the ai plays ball.
If they removed the reflect dmg , then it’d be a more fair hero. The dmg reduction on the hero is more than enough of a strength.
Adding instant massive unavoidable dmg if you don’t do a certain thing within a certain time limit is what makes it overly unfair.
Is there any other hero out there where if you don’t remove their kit, they instakill you with sp1?
By putting it on her kit, we face those nodes wherever she is. So in fights when there are not those nodes…well with her..they are.
If it wasn’t on her, then we wouldn’t have to face those nodes every time we fight her.
Eg. Alliance war, aq raids, aq and battlegrounds.
If she’s on a path in aw aq raid, aw or in bgs ,she’ll have whatever node is on the path (or bg season) plus her own.
And how many new meta defenders compared to attackers? Not saying they are all bad, but seem very unbalanced lately
Or at least a good balance between creativity and fun/engagement ?
Ebony maw has to be knocked down once in a while if you don't want falter. Prof x has to be punished after his specials or else you'll get a falter while hitting him and get punished.
Fantman has to be intercepted to remove his Nano Armour buffs.
You have to special punish Abs Man using your heavy to remove his form.
Can't block hulkling it he'll become unblockable and get pierce. So intercepting and block baiting is the only option
Reverse controls was a node before an ability.
Degen was a node before it was an ability.
Basic things like unstoppable and unblockable were nodes before abilities.
It's how the game evolves.
But this is just a games evolution. Champions have to get a little more complex it's far from a bad thing. That being said they don't all need to be complex and simple champions can still be effective and just as fun.
Enchantress is a skill check defender that's why you get punished heavily for not performing these actions. I know majority of you don't agree with Emilia's take but I think they are 100% right. Sure the older 'hard' defenders can still be tricky without a good counter but by now most players know how to counter them. A complex defender that requires skill isn't a bad thing and nearly any champ can fight her some better than others but that's part of the game. And at the end of the day she's not another The Serpent. I think she's a well designed defender and attacker (just not for BGs).
Enchantress just like any other defender will become a little easier over time when the community understands her more, and more new direct counters come out.
What happens when the nodes and her abilities give us contradicting prompts?
How are they actually going to balance that?
Not placing her on such nodes is a fix only in PvE modes in PvP(which is the dominant mode rn and the primary focus of most end game players)
This is a recipe for disaster
Don't get me wrong I find her very intersting but the potential for nigh impossible champ-node combinations is too much to ignore
Korg - use any energy champ. Or a mutant that can passive stun and 4 x light. No need to intercept
Ebony maw - use any miss prevent hero, or someone who shrugs off debuffs to remove falter. No neeed to intercept,
Fantman - use debuff remover and 4 hot combos. Or pierce champ. No need to intercept.
Abs man - apply petrify and let him kill himself. No need to heavy.
All these heroes have ONE thing, and they can be countered with alternatives.
Enchantress has ALL THREE. And apart from debilitate, there is no way around it.
Also note…debilitate I have found on 3 champs
Spider-Man classic
Luke cage
There are ALL non stackable, so you can reduce the spell count by only 1 this way.
So you’ll still get hit with 40% reflect dmg instead of 60% and die after her first sp1.
As an attacker players can choose to use her or not, it doesn't really effect that game or the players itself. However as an Defender it have a bigger affect to players and they have no choice of just ignoring her.
I have taken on Enchantress in SQ, and do understand how she work, but I have played MCOC for sometime.
However, the problem that is Kabam actively trying encourage more new players to join MCOC, so for example when if someone were to start playing MCOC this last few months and try to do lower level MEQs, MSQs, and don't know why they couldn't do any damage and get KOed instantly even after blocking Entrantress SP.
Unlike Nodes, Kabam can just reduce it for lower difficulties.
Of course Entrantress will be in next month MEQs as a Defender on the path.
The learning curve for the like of Bulleyes, Serpent and Entrantress is too high to new players and there is no way to ignore them, as new MEQs, MSQs, BG will have these champs.
Indoing so would just prevent/reduce new players engagements, which is counterintuitive and counterproductive to what Kabam MCOC trying to do.
They are making battlegrounds less and less approachable to the average player.