Are class relationships really that important in MCOC or not?

Throughout recent years, we've seen champions designed to counter others that traditionally have an advantage over them. For example, Destroyer is immune to slow debuffs, some science champions are immune to bleed and cosmic champions often resist nullify or fate seal effects, or can even punish them (Maestro). Now I personally don't mind this, as this helps diverse class relationships, but as seen in this video above, this is a 51 sec Sassy fight against a Photon. This is pretty fast, even with class disadvantage.
So the question stands, Are these relationships still as important today as they once were? Why or why not?
Are class relationships really that important in MCOC or not? 51 votes
A science champion with UNCLEANSABLE/UNPURIFIABLE debuffs was TOO MUCH and I know this is just the beginning. Every new cosmic defender now is designed with nullify, fateseal, stagger immunity or even more buff ability accuracy which is now countering the class that is supposed to counter them. Magneto was an exception seeing the nature of his powers. But this is getting out of hand. Class relationships should not be bypassed in order to make new defenders complicated and neither should MASTERIES. What next, a defender that doesn't allow you to use boosts?
By the way I'm speaking in general terms of the game not from the video posted above.
In BGs, I've used CMM against Mojo when I had no other choive. I won because of her Indestructible ability. She took damage but we still got the win.
For example the slow aspect on destroyer, it makes me have to use alternative champs then silk meaning it gives more life to less used champs like spiderman who uses decelerate. While it does seem lazy, if mcoc wants to survive a long time while releasing champs monthly. These things need to occur to push the idea that one of games skill is knowledge and diverse roster.
Vox is always destroying Abs man and its fun
Sassy here does physical damage which photons doesn't have resistance against, also if sassy crits it's game over. HT works great against Korg, he has -ve energy resistance.
As for your question, class relationships should be important, but nowadays kabam love to create champs which can overcome and even punish class disadvantages. One or two champs are ok, But nowadays almost every cosmic released is either nullify resistant or neutralize resistant. Funny how there are only 3 mystics with reliable neutralize, But more than 3 cosmics champ counter them. This is a very bad design imo.
Cosmic characters that are immune to nullify or fate seal are still often best countered by mystic champions through the effects that they aren't immune to.
Class relationships aren't being bypassed, there are just more abilities required by each class in order to counter everything which is normal for a game that's trying to encourage roster diversification
Also wanted to add, even if the champ is somehow immune to all sort of buff controls (which is unlikely) then there is also soul barb or champs like chavez who can punish those buffs with high damage.
People talk about class relationships and identities all the time as if they're a set of 3 specific abilities and not having one of them makes them a bad champ of that class but if you track the game across the year it's clear they're expanding more on what each class actually does