Guys can anyone suggest me for SoS-1 Destroyer

Alex_warsiAlex_warsi Member Posts: 58
I have stopped playing for 2 years and now just resume, I have several 6R3s and 3 6R4 champs. sadly no 7 stars.
The destroyer appears hard for me he is new to me and can't dex is Sps and be aware of full ability or trick to fight .

can you guys give tips to gith him and some champs suggestions for objective?
Looked several videos , doest help, I don't have the Scorpion or Titania or Spider-ham etc.


  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    Hulk....scorpion....spiderham....ihulk....just look up a few YouTube vids of those champs beating him
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,849 ★★★★★
    Show your roster
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    As rogers said, we can’t really do much if we don’t know what your woking with. Show your roster
  • Alex_warsiAlex_warsi Member Posts: 58

    Show your roster

    Here is my roster for villians. Tried onslaught hard to keep his debufs with him, I am new to use him so no confidence.

    I did just now the hero one with 5* Spider ham and many pots 🤣
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,603 ★★★★★
    I did with ham titania jessica
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,849 ★★★★★

    Show your roster

    Here is my roster for villians. Tried onslaught hard to keep his debufs with him, I am new to use him so no confidence.

    I did just now the hero one with 5* Spider ham and many pots 🤣
    If you even have a 5* scorp rank him up he can easily solo this fight.
    @Darkraw346 did with a onslaught so he might be able to help you.
  • Fighter98765Fighter98765 Member Posts: 58
    I usually try to dex his sp2. U need to dex when he finishes his kick.
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★

    Show your roster

    Here is my roster for villians. Tried onslaught hard to keep his debufs with him, I am new to use him so no confidence.

    I did just now the hero one with 5* Spider ham and many pots 🤣
    If you even have a 5* scorp rank him up he can easily solo this fight.
    @Darkraw346 did with a onslaught so he might be able to help you.
    Yes it's easy
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    I used 7r2 Hulk and Chavez and 7r1 Titania. Got solos with the first two but choked at 10% with Titania. It was my best attempt though so I went in and finished it with a revive.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★★
    If you can’t dex his specials, you’re going to have a really hard time in general.
  • Alex_warsiAlex_warsi Member Posts: 58
    PT_99 said:

    Show your roster

    Here is my roster for villians. Tried onslaught hard to keep his debufs with him, I am new to use him so no confidence.

    I did just now the hero one with 5* Spider ham and many pots 🤣
    If this is your top roaster then you shouldn't be bothering with SoS and focus on act-6,7,8
    PT_99 said:

    Show your roster

    Here is my roster for villians. Tried onslaught hard to keep his debufs with him, I am new to use him so no confidence.

    I did just now the hero one with 5* Spider ham and many pots 🤣
    If this is your top roaster then you shouldn't be bothering with SoS and focus on act-6,7,8
    It is my roster cause I left the game for last 2 years and several new champs , tons of resources came, I am in act in act 8.3 bro atm, left the game after I beat kang and did act 8.1. din had R4s to be paragaon , 2 years back it was not easy, my account is 8 years old now.
  • Alex_warsiAlex_warsi Member Posts: 58
    Ercarret said:

    I would suggest doing the story content that you've missed rather than jumping into the deep end with endgame content.

    That said, I can still give you some advice on the Destroyer fight.

    * The main problem during the fight is that the Destroyer will probably get a lot of his charges (whatever they're called), and when he gets to 100 of them, he'll get a massive power gain. I'm talking four bars of power over 10 seconds. It's not a guaranteed SP3, but you really need to bait out a ton of SP1 or 2s if you want to avoid him getting to his SP3 and pretty much auto-winning the fight.

    * Now, how does he get those charges? First of all, whenever you parry him, he'll get armor broken. Thing is, he's immune to that and gets charges instead. So you'll want to intercept instead (I'll talk in a while about how you do that since he's unstoppable the entire freaking time). He also gains a lot of them from his SP1. The only way to deny him any charges from his SP1 is to dex the hits. It's not very hard to dex it, but the problem is that you have to dex every hit. That's really difficult to do since you need to be in super close proximity to him when he launches it, otherwise you won't be able to dex the first (and possibly the second) hit, meaning he'll get charges.

    * So annoying! Unless you can dex his SP2, in which case - push him to that instead! It looks big and scary, but it's really only a single beam attack so once you've got the timing right, it's actually very easy to dex.

    * He loses charges whenever he's inflicted with non-damaging debuffs, so science champions do well against him.

    * But he's still unstoppable almost all the time! Well, you'll get a way to circumvent that if you interrupt his heavy attack. This is very easy to do, but it does mean you'll take quite a lot of hits into your block as you try to bait it out.

    * However, if you've got enough debuffs to neutralize the charges that he gets from being parried, you can actually play him fairly normally. Just don't allow him to dash at you.

    * The problem with your roster it that you have very few options that work well for the fight. I think your best bet might actually be Doctor Octopus. I don't know if yours is awakened or not, but either way he'll help with the power gain thanks to his power lock.

    Good luck and welcome back to the game!

    Thank you so much for the great explanation man, I have completed 8.2 so far and the story is going good with the roster I got.

    you have really broken it down for me, much appreciated.

    I am struggling with all new champs and I am unaware of the playing technique of new champs atm.
    TBH I am struggling cause his health pool 1.3 million and just a small mistake and my chamo doesn't survive, cause my champs are R2 and R3.

    Really good advice for Scorpion, I do have him in 5 star at level 1 and rank1, will rank him up and try as he is said to be best against him for villain.
  • Alex_warsiAlex_warsi Member Posts: 58

    Show your roster

    Here is my roster for villians. Tried onslaught hard to keep his debufs with him, I am new to use him so no confidence.

    I did just now the hero one with 5* Spider ham and many pots 🤣
    If you even have a 5* scorp rank him up he can easily solo this fight.
    @Darkraw346 did with a onslaught so he might be able to help you.
    Thank you roger, will try this.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    Sandman. The forgotten Science champ.

    Dr. Zola
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