WWWEZ wrote: » I use Quake/Quake/HE/IP/SW for best results
Nyale wrote: » Should make it 100%
Hulk_77 wrote: » Nyale wrote: » Should make it 100% It isn't additive. So, if you have a max Witch at 85%, it gets multiplied by 1.15%, pushing it to 97.75% chance to trigger the veil.
I guess he is asking for an aw or aq team...
If it works correctly no bugs then it should work for veil of fortune but when does kabam makes something without bugs ? But i wouldnt expect big difference it adds only 9% for me based on my sig rank
It isn't additive.
So, if you have a max Witch at 85%, it gets multiplied by 1.15%, pushing it to 97.75% chance to trigger the veil.
Even if it was 100%, it's 100% chance to do 0-8 buffs, and that 0 hits a whole lot.