Did Kabam up ALL AI's intercept game?

Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
So I was champ testing my new pulls (saved a couple'a 7*s).

With HB: now, I wanted the shock on at the start of the fight, so I parry-heavy'ed, and dashed in to complete a 5-hit.combo. WS light-intercept me, backdrafts after 3 hits, I dash in to intercept and he light-intercepts me again. Same thing happened against WS with CGR.

With Gamora: Corners WS at 50% health. He's under one bar, so I dashed back because it was a sure thing that he'd dash-in, so i whiffed a light hoping to catch a light intercept. Here's what happens: I whiff, but he walked and blocked, so i thought he was dashing in. when i try to block, MF dashes in and hits me.

With Kushala: tried practicing how i should play against SOS MoleMan: no stuns, bait sp1, parrying one hit and punishing with a heavy and dashing in to intercept. Same thing: what with every 5-hit combo Stunning me, WS quite literally stun locked me to death.

And I don't wanna get in to WHAT they've done with SOS MoleMan intercepting like MSD or Slayer


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  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 891 ★★★★
    AI is getting smarter. Got parried by an onslaught 3 times in 1 war fight.
  • AttishAttish Member Posts: 46
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  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,885 ★★★★★
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  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★

    Today peni parker parried my galan on the third hit into her block, How is it even possible?

    That's entirely possible if you wait before your hit. If you want to hit into block, make sure you leave no room for the AI to release and block again, which means continuous tapping on your lights.
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