Uninstalling the game
I have played on and off since this game only had four stars. There have been times when I have walked away for a break but this is different. I can't do it anymore. For me, it's the dropped inputs and lag. Its abhorrent and ruins any sense of enjoyment this game once brought me. I can deal with power creep. I can deal with obnoxious prices for what amounts to pixels we have been conditioned to attribute value to. I can even deal with the endless grinding. To this game has had input issues throughout its inception and today I found myself asking just what in the hell I am doing wasting my time on something that clearly cannot be fixed at this point. There are so many other things I could be doing other than opening crystals and grinding for more crystals. I could spend time with friends. I could go for a walk. I could exercise. There are so many things I can do that do not involve a broken input system that does not ultimately rob me of my time. It just isn't fun anymore. It feels like I job I am not being paid for. So I'm out. For those who keep playing I hope you find a way to enjoy this game. But I, for one, am done. Time to touch grass again.
Seeing more and more of these lately. I understand if you're a super regular forum user. But I don't see what a random guy posting this every other day is hoping to achieve. You'll only get trolled in response.
Like any game it’s going to have issues.
Are you switching to a mobile game that doesn’t have problems?
If so, what is it?
The payers keep it going, so hoping they don’t p them off.
Ignore the snarky comments here.
Game performance is a hot mess at the moment.
Nothing wrong with venting.
Enjoy your time out.
He’ll be back