No matter what tier or level I start out this Battlegrounds I constantly face 8 out-of 13 legends non stop. If not a legend they are Valiant or better. Average member is 21k and thats the lowest. I'm sure some trolls will come back with non sense, but keep in mind I started in Plat 1 and since faced 30 fights and 26 were legends. Im 13k and lowest was 21k. How many Battlegrounds till Matchmaking is right? How can I be facing Top 1% No matter What level? No way are all enemies on line btw
Focus on story content, Necro, Crucible, etc instead of BG until you have a strong enough roster. The season also just started, which means most of the stronger accounts haven't had time to move out.
Learn how to properly create your deck and how to draft. Lean into the meta but don't go overboard. Many matches are won against way stronger accounts because of better knowledge and skill.
When BG first started, I was doing well to make it into Diamond. Last season I got to the GC in under a week. This game rewards patience and planning. Play the long game: you may not do as well now, but one day you may dominate. At the end of the day, it's just a game, so have fun
Still, there’s been some good advice in this thread so far.
1: it’s week 1 of battlegrounds meaning high tier players are seeded back from where they normally compete as they climb back up to gc. Week 1 is always chaotic and if you don’t have a big roster it’s worth waiting to play battlegrounds until the chaos dies down. It’s not a matchmaking issue that’s just how the system is set up.
2: if you don’t want to have to wait to play bgs then there’s content you can do to beef up your roster to get to their level. Your opponents have done that content which is why their rosters are better. If you want to give yourself the best fighting chance you need to upgrade as much as possible. You don’t have to, but it’ll make life easier.
Now I am not saying this in a disrespectful manner towards OP or you; but people need to lower expectations and face a bit of reality, specially in a PvP mode.
BG might seem like a quick route to rewards; its far from the easiest route for lower accounts. Stop focusing so much on it, should be a side source for a 14k account.
But yea beefing up your roster is not an overnight thing. Though granted if put in some good time and effort he can speedrun through story which has a lot of solid rewards. It wouldn’t make him a 21k prestige player but he’d be on higher playing field then where he’s at now.
I agree though that at 14k prestige bgs shouldn’t be the priority, however if he finds it the most enjoyable to him then these are the steps he’d need to take to avoid this type of matchmaking.