New R3 Help

jshanso2jshanso2 Member Posts: 51
So I finished The Crucible and have been sitting on the rank up gem. Looking to see what the community has in mind for my next R3.

New R3 Help 40 votes

Unduped Onslaught (have 6* sig 200 R5 ascended)
justarandomusernameRepto23ButtehrssvilariumHassamaMamaBFITZ7RiptideNortherehZarkdingoNemesis_17Kingering_King 11 votes
Unduped Bullseye (have 6* sig 200 R5 ascended)
NONYABIZZCloudddey_broGaborrrrrwestendbear 4 votes
Unduped Venom
Spity68captaincushAyden_noah1SpadeHuntercaptain_rogersGiantwalrus56BeastDadOakenshieldmbgibsonSuper_Cretu90CookinEwoks 11 votes
Duped Werewolf
RaganatorbenshbRagnarok13Justcause102Sagacious0wlSarvanga1_jcphillips7SquidopusCarracho01Elwind2x2yThePredator100113579rebel_King_5trudel 14 votes


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,849 ★★★★★
    Unduped Venom
    Venom or werewolf
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,560 ★★★★★
    Unduped Venom
    Particularly if you have a 5* or 6* venom relic
  • MorgxMorgx Member Posts: 47
    Werewolf 100000% bro he’s so good
  • ElwindElwind Member Posts: 405 ★★★
    Duped Werewolf
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Unduped Venom
    You know what to do...
  • justarandomusernamejustarandomusername Member Posts: 44
    Unduped Onslaught (have 6* sig 200 R5 ascended)
    From purely a bgs standpoint, Bullseye and Onslaught need the r3 more to further lower the chance of getting nuked. Despite you having them both as r6a, I'd still pick either one of them. Can't really speak much about werewolf, he's cool but I can definitely speak against venom and I will till the end of time.

    Unless you have a high rank 5-6* relic, deep wounds maxed and -preferrably- the dupe, venom will probably suck in bgs. Even then he doesn't answer many meta defenders but well, he can take nick fast I guess so there's that. He is so much fun with the animations/simplicity though and is the most enjoyable out of the bunch imo. Just not as relevant as the others in bgs.

    TLDR: Pick Onslaught or Bullseye for bgs. Venom for simple fun. I'd personally pick Onslaught myself.
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