Crucible Path 1 Last Minute Questions

Quick Note: I am running suicides
my hype is unduped. With suicides , who would be best?
regular poison immunes have trouble with the hurt locker and meltdown? my kingpin is r5 ascended , but not sure how hed do with suicides on plus since his shrug isnt guaranteed (though overcharge kicks in at 8). got scorpion too.
2) Man Thing
Seeing Hulk suggested (mine is r2), won't it take long due to the crit damage resis built in his kit? I also have scorpion and spider ham.
3) terrax/knull both work for HB right? and gorr/venom for guardian?
i can use serpent 7r3 for either of those 2 tech champs, but was planning to use him for ice phoenix (could just use sassy for phoenix instead tho)
4) punishing angel
is it faster to just use AA who would ignore the node and save you from having to do all the parries? or a nuke like sunspot/domino (suicides so prob not sunny).
I know magneto works here too, but i was probably going to use him for Gwenperion since i've heard low rank Ronan doesn't work for Gwen (mine is a 5* max sig ascended)
5) spider-witch
debating sinister here but mine is only a 6r4. plus he has no way of mitigating the poisons she inflicts. am i better off just using a higher ranked champ like 7R3 KM? could use my 6R4 torch but was going to save him for Dragon Man
my hype is unduped. With suicides , who would be best?
regular poison immunes have trouble with the hurt locker and meltdown? my kingpin is r5 ascended , but not sure how hed do with suicides on plus since his shrug isnt guaranteed (though overcharge kicks in at 8). got scorpion too.
2) Man Thing
Seeing Hulk suggested (mine is r2), won't it take long due to the crit damage resis built in his kit? I also have scorpion and spider ham.
3) terrax/knull both work for HB right? and gorr/venom for guardian?
i can use serpent 7r3 for either of those 2 tech champs, but was planning to use him for ice phoenix (could just use sassy for phoenix instead tho)
4) punishing angel
is it faster to just use AA who would ignore the node and save you from having to do all the parries? or a nuke like sunspot/domino (suicides so prob not sunny).
I know magneto works here too, but i was probably going to use him for Gwenperion since i've heard low rank Ronan doesn't work for Gwen (mine is a 5* max sig ascended)
5) spider-witch
debating sinister here but mine is only a 6r4. plus he has no way of mitigating the poisons she inflicts. am i better off just using a higher ranked champ like 7R3 KM? could use my 6R4 torch but was going to save him for Dragon Man
2) I used hulk and was pretty fast but mine is r3 but I would assume that would add a little more time but nothing to worry about.
3) I used magneto for hb no dramas
4) aa doesn't work as she has mighty charge but og storm wrecks her. Same as bishop (Gwenperion I did on my 2nd account with r2 6* sig 40 ronan your 5* will have no dramas)
5)Spiderwitch main I used iceman no evade and poison immune 2nd I did torch and he is hela faster but if saving for dragon then ice is definitely an option.
Hope this helped you. Good luck
use hulk or if you like scorp for man thing
terry should work for HB
use sunspot for punishing angel
spider witch - use torch and pretty much anyone can get dragon dude for you
Thanks for the torch suggestion @Wolf911 @ccrider474 , ill figure out someone other than torch for dragon man. I could maybe go with the pig or photon?
But remember, spiderwitch can randomly inflict poison, and power drains you(so prof x lose his vigilance).
Whos best for ibom after hype since my hyperion unduped btw? Scorpion?
Kp Or would suicides hurt him.
Don't use Scorpion, You have to bait specials to deal damage which may affect the meltdown timer. I think I used hulkling, Use your best raw damage poison immune champ.
I would love to r3 Prowler if i had him but he needs not only the dupe but high sig too. Worst case I could r3 imiw for defense (he needs it more since Guardian already nukes at r2 with HB relic)