Who to R3 - Valiant Push

Who should I R3 here? Looking to push Valiant. Will be running Necro in the next week. Just need 5-6 more days of stacking revives up.
Juggs/DKG/Venom are R2. But I can rank anyone from R1-3 using gems. For Venom I do have the 5/6* relic but it’s not duped which is why I’m using the 4* duped relic currently.
I don’t focus anywhere particularly. I do everything BG/AW/AQ/Etc to a certain extent. If you can give a reason for your choice as well that would be great!

Juggs/DKG/Venom are R2. But I can rank anyone from R1-3 using gems. For Venom I do have the 5/6* relic but it’s not duped which is why I’m using the 4* duped relic currently.
I don’t focus anywhere particularly. I do everything BG/AW/AQ/Etc to a certain extent. If you can give a reason for your choice as well that would be great!


The other champ I’d suggest you give a close look is Sasquatch. Not only is he a great defender with a huge health pool, but he really crushes things as an R3. Check out Trappy’s content on him from about ~5 months ago - it is what convinced me to R3 my Sasquatch.
Re: Juggs - think he is good as an R2. Mine can already take down just about everything as he is, just don’t think he needs the R3 as much as some others do.
He’s also very helpful for some tricky necro fights but if you’re just going for completion then you probably won’t need him since he’s better on the harder half.