Few questions of crucible path 2 :-

Few questions of crucible path 2 :-
1)Will baron Zemo or cheelith be better for ihulk
2) Can shuri work against 7.3.2 old man logan
3) Should I take anawkn voice or qs for 7.3.4 sorcerer supreme
4) Who will work against that ultron

2) shuri works but isn't ideal against oml. Use a heal block champ to bypass lazarus.
3) soc supreme has nothing troublesome, she is just unblockable most of the time. You are better using a purify champ here. Or use qs.
4) ultron lab or ultron mcu? Lab Ultron can be done by mags. Mcu Ultron, use your best cosmic champ.
5R5 Miles cheesed Sorcerer Supreme.
Vision Aarkus for Lab Ultron and Gladiator for Ultron. No evade with coldsnap. With Aarcus Armor shatter, Lab Ultron very rarely went unblockable.
I don't know what @captain_rogers is saying and why Hercules is even a consideration for that fight when you need BLEED to bypass ihulk second life. I don't own a 6* herc so I never used him during both runs but I'm pretty sure he'd be more useful in ANOTHER fight not the one who requires a BLEED champion
She won't blow you from the start(I complained too because kushala was obliterating her in damage) but as soon as I got really good and started only heavy punishing the damage is actually INSANE. That's not a 3.5 level damage at all 😂
Also the dupe let's her take out bleed immune.
She won't be a staple for BG but she could probably put out some competitive time if she's maybe r3. She'll need the r3 because she takes a while to get the damage going (when you heavy punish) so at r3 she'll probably be able to make up for the slow damage right from the start.
I'm not telling you to r3 just keep in mind she's not a BG oriented attacker but can be one if ranked