Why can’t Kabam get Raids fixed!

How long has Modok been the boss and we still can’t have completed tasks counting properly. When the counter only goes up by 1 when a task is completed it’s impossible to activate charges. Get it together Kabam, good grief!
They didn't put the bugs intentionally in the game, I know its surprising.
Take a break! Breath, hydrate, eat!
Many allies including mine can't even able to start raids even after double triple enlistment
I will gladly send you videos where I only gain one “charge” when completing a task and it’s 5 tasks in a row. I understand coding is difficult but how long has Modok been the boss now? If this was first time cool, I get it. But he’s been boss for couple months and still same isssues. I use Titania and have zero issues building charges from completed tasks against all mini bosses but get to Modok and nothing works.