Which of my champs should I be using for Act 6 Cav???

zammer9zammer9 Member Posts: 3
Hi guys, I need some advice on who I should rank up and take into different chapters of Act 6 based off of the champs I have currently.

I also am debating on who to rank 5 between Dr.doom and Absorbing man (Note that I have an awakening gem for abs man if needed).

Any help and advice would be much appreciated.



  • Campbell0131Campbell0131 Member Posts: 10
    So take my advice with a grain of salt. I am by no means the most informed and I recently came back and hit cav. Me personally I would highly recommend ranking up Doom. He put in a lot of work for me to hit cav. Mine is also 5 star r5 ascended. From what I can remember, I think moleman was mentioned and possibly corvius and torch? Again I could be mistaken. Definitely check out MCOC Noob. He has videos covering act 6 along with easiest paths. Good luck and hope you hit Cav soon!
  • zammer9zammer9 Member Posts: 3
    @Campbell0131 Thank you for the tips! Yea I have heard that Doom is great so I have him at rank 5 now. I'll definitely check out MCOC Noob tho!

  • Campbell0131Campbell0131 Member Posts: 10
    No worries man! Also some other Champs you have that I've over looked is Black Widow CV and Peni Parker. I know BW was talked about because of immunity. For Peni I believe she falls in the same category to help with some debuff nodes. Probably not as big as Doom and them. She can help with power drain/control though. Hope you get that Cav soon!
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