Blue Marvel: Ability Kit Concept

Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
Class: Cosmic

Tags: #Hero, #Metal, #Size: M, #Offensive: Burst, #Defensive: Tank. #Control: Counter, #Mighty Avengers, #Ultimates, #Defenders, #Flight

About: A brilliant scientist and former Marine, Adam Brashear gained his incredible powers after a scientific experiment went awry, imbuing him with superhuman strength, energy manipulation, flight, and near invulnerability. For decades, he fought as a masked hero until the government forced him to retire due to his identity being revealed in a racially charged era. Now, back in action, Blue Marvel fights alongside Earth’s mightiest heroes, using his vast intellect and unmatched antimatter powers to protect the universe from cosmic and terrestrial threats alike.


Antimatter Reactor – Always Active

Blue Marvel passively reduces incoming Energy damage by 15%. Gains +1.17% additional Energy Resistance for each Antimatter Charge he has.
Blue Marvel is immune to Shock and Poison effects. Instead, Shock effects heal Blue Marvel for 5% of the damage the Shock effect would have dealt. A nigh invulnerable body grants him immunity to all Armour Break, Weakness and Power Burn.
The Negative Zone grants him high resistance towards Degeneration and Disintegration effects.
Blue Marvel cannot land basic Critical hits naturally. However, all Special hits are Guaranteed Critical. 30% of the damage is dealt as energy burst, and 70% of the damage is physical. (For instance, let's say Blue Marvel were to land a hit dealing 1000 damage. 300 is dealt as energy burst, 700 is normal physical damage)
If Blue Marvel were to land a Critical basic attack, he instead gains one of Fury, True Sense, Energize for 6 seconds.
Blue Marvel’s block proficiency is lowered by 100%, but he heals 95% of block damage dealt as a burst of healing. This healing cannot be reduced by ability accuracy and it is not affected by Heal Block, Petrify or Despair mastery.
Superhuman speed gives Blue Matter a 30% chance to Auto-Block incoming attacks while a Buff is active on him. If the Auti-Block activates, deal back 50% of the damage dealt on the Auto-Block to the opponent.
Stun Vulnerability: Blue Marvel deals 50% more damage when the opponent is Stunned.

Antimatter Charges – Max Stacks. 30

Every 4 seconds, Blue Marvel gains 1 Antimatter charge. Knocking down the opponent when not Stunned grants 2 Antimatter charges. Punishing a special or heavy attack grants 3 Antimatter charges.

Perseus Form

Dashing back and holding block for 1.2 seconds, or getting knocked down when over 20 Antimatter Charges starts Perseus Form.
If Blue Marvel is to gain an Antimatter charge when at 30 charges, he also activates Perseus Form.
While in Perseus Form, no more Antimatter charges can be gained, except through special attacks. 5 charges are gained if punishing a heavy or special attack. 1 charge falls every 2 seconds. The fall of charges is paused during special attacks.
While Perseus Form is active, Blue Marvel is Nullify Immune, and for every 5 Antimatter charges reduced from the number of charges at which Perseus form started, gain a Fury increasing attack rating by +15% for 30 seconds. If charges are gained when Perseus form is active, the new number of charges are taken as the “original” number of charges.
(Play example: Blue Marvel starts Perseus Form at 30 charges. When he falls to 25 charges, he gains a Fury. Let charges be gained till he has reaches 28 charges. The next Fury is gained when at 23 charges.)

Energy Store

50% of energy damage, and 30% of physical damage dealt to Blue Marvel (even through block) is stored by him as Energy Store charges. These charges are not affected by Ability Accuracy Modification.

Ending a combo with a light attack

Grants Blue Marvel a True Focus passive for 6 seconds.

Special Attack 1: Negative Superiority

Grants 1 Antimatter charge per successful hit. Each Antimatter charge gained also activates a Fury buff increasing attack rating by +5% for 25 seconds. (5 hit special attack). Activation of this special attack activates an Unstoppable Buff for 6 seconds, which is paused for the duration of the special attack. The final hit is an optic blast, giving his opponent a Concussion for 14 seconds, reducing ability accuracy by 50%.

Special Attack 2: Ultimate Energy

Blue Marvel channels the power of light and passively Stuns the opponent for 0.3 seconds with every hit, the final hit placing an Armor Break reducing Armor by 70% for 30 seconds, and passively Stuns the opponent for 4 seconds. This Stun cannot be activated for another 20 seconds. Charging a heavy attack while this Stun is active consumes 1 Antimatter charge every 0.167 seconds to grant a burst of 0.125 bars of power.

Special Attack 3: Multiversal Burst

The power of dimensions untold strengthen Blue Marvel as he unleashes his rage in a blast of blinding antimatter. All of his Energy store is consumed, and 100% of Energy store is dealt to the opponent as energy burst.
He gains a permanent Momentum buff, increasing Combat Power Rate by +5%. Stackable 5 times.
If the opponent has 3 bars of power when this special attack ends, drain 0.25 bars of power and Power Lock for 10 seconds.

Signature Ability: Cosmic Intellect

If Blue Marvel were to be knocked out by a blocked hit, ignore the damage dealt by the hit to block, and regenerate health till 10% of his max health remains.
Fall of Antimatter charges during Perseus Form occurs after an additional <0.3 - 1> seconds.
Activating Perseus Form activates a Quantum Surge buff which remains active while Perseus Form is up. Quantum Surge grants Blue Marvel a <10-30>% chance on basic hits to apply a Plasma debuff, dealing damage over time, lasting 6 seconds.
Auto-Block chance is increased by <5-10>% flat for every Buff active on him.
Energy Burst deals <1.25 – 2.5> % more damage.

PS. The only reason I post in General "Discussion" is so that the entire community can actually "discuss" these matters.


  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,445 ★★★★★

    My thoughts: I don't think he should have the Metal tag and the auto-block should have a cooldown that he can shorten the duration of.

  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    He needs a max stack of furies maybe 8 as you made it seems as if his furries are unlimited. Also why the metal tag?
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    Yes, @Nojokejaym and @BigPoppaCBONE, both of you are right; the Metal tag is not required, in hindsight.
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★

    He needs a max stack of furies maybe 8 as you made it seems as if his furries are unlimited. Also why the metal tag?

    I think not, because they fall off after 30 seconds anyway, so one Fury falls for every 2 to 3 Furies gained.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    I think he would be science instead of cosmic, he got his Antimatter powers through an experiment.

  • ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Member Posts: 505 ★★★★
    Really nice work you’ve done here! No metal tag for sure. Definitely think he’d be science. I’d like the charges to be every 2 seconds instead of 4 and also gain 2 per intercept. I don’t think he’d be poison immune, but being energy, he should have 90-100% resistance of plasma, neuroshock, incinerate (as it also should with Luke Cage, but I digress), and sand. His anti matter should resist the passives. I’d leave him vulnerable to poison, bleed, n rupture (even though I love my ‘cides 😢) but he should also have an elite healing factor against resistant debuffs. Maybe he doubles will power in those scenarios.

  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,356 ★★★★
    He wouldn't be cosmic, and I'm not entirely sure why he needs the damage reflect and auto block. It feels like you're putting damage reflect on a lot of your kits
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★

    He wouldn't be cosmic, and I'm not entirely sure why he needs the damage reflect and auto block. It feels like you're putting damage reflect on a lot of your kits

    Auto-block is a necessity. He's one of the smartest beings out there next to Doctor Doom. That, plus the fact that the negative zone provides him superspeed, are enough evidence I need that he has a chance to Auto-Block. By that way, why should CapSam have Auto-Block? Yet he does.
    Damage reflect: I love it. I won't shy behind not saying, but it's one of the things that makes a defender in my opinion. Mysterio's sp1, Korg, Attuma, Chee'ilth are all perfect examples of why.
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    For the Cosmic vs Science thing, I could easily change it to Science: just make the Furies gained passive, he's already immune to nullify in Perseus Mode, and yeah, the Metal tag needs to go, idk WHY i put it there.
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    edited September 2024
    ShoNuff29 said:

    Really nice work you’ve done here! No metal tag for sure. Definitely think he’d be science. I’d like the charges to be every 2 seconds instead of 4 and also gain 2 per intercept. I don’t think he’d be poison immune, but being energy, he should have 90-100% resistance of plasma, neuroshock, incinerate (as it also should with Luke Cage, but I digress), and sand. His anti matter should resist the passives. I’d leave him vulnerable to poison, bleed, n rupture (even though I love my ‘cides 😢) but he should also have an elite healing factor against resistant debuffs. Maybe he doubles will power in those scenarios.

    Actually, Antimatter allows him to have a practically invulnerable system, he's immune to most toxins, as he HAS shown while Fighting with Ultimates and Mighty Avengers. It's the same story for Shock. Coming to your idea, Plasma and Incinerate count as Energy-type damages, and he gains up to 50% Energy resistance at max Antimatter charges, meaning he takes 50% less damage from Incinerate effects. Couple that with masteries like Willpower, and he practically takes negligible damage, just like Guardian.
    For your thoughts on Antimatter charges, @ShoNuff29, I think 2 per intercept plus gaining charges at double the rate would be too overpowered and he would enter Perseus in about 10 seconds, which might be great for Battlegrounds, but too overpowered.
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,356 ★★★★

    He wouldn't be cosmic, and I'm not entirely sure why he needs the damage reflect and auto block. It feels like you're putting damage reflect on a lot of your kits

    Auto-block is a necessity. He's one of the smartest beings out there next to Doctor Doom. That, plus the fact that the negative zone provides him superspeed, are enough evidence I need that he has a chance to Auto-Block. By that way, why should CapSam have Auto-Block? Yet he does.
    Damage reflect: I love it. I won't shy behind not saying, but it's one of the things that makes a defender in my opinion. Mysterio's sp1, Korg, Attuma, Chee'ilth are all perfect examples of why.
    Him being smart isn't justification for him having auto block? Cap has auto block because he has a shield and it's there so he can counter mutants with hard to dex specials and lots of prowess which he's designed to counter. Abilities ideally should have justification in the kit and not just thrown on for the sake of it. What damage back does cheeilth have? Some defenders having damage back doesn't mean a character instantly becomes a defender simply by throwing damage reflection on them
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★

    Who's blackheart

    Ghost rider villain
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★

    He wouldn't be cosmic, and I'm not entirely sure why he needs the damage reflect and auto block. It feels like you're putting damage reflect on a lot of your kits

    Auto-block is a necessity. He's one of the smartest beings out there next to Doctor Doom. That, plus the fact that the negative zone provides him superspeed, are enough evidence I need that he has a chance to Auto-Block. By that way, why should CapSam have Auto-Block? Yet he does.
    Damage reflect: I love it. I won't shy behind not saying, but it's one of the things that makes a defender in my opinion. Mysterio's sp1, Korg, Attuma, Chee'ilth are all perfect examples of why.
    Him being smart isn't justification for him having auto block? Cap has auto block because he has a shield and it's there so he can counter mutants with hard to dex specials and lots of prowess which he's designed to counter. Abilities ideally should have justification in the kit and not just thrown on for the sake of it. What damage back does cheeilth have? Some defenders having damage back doesn't mean a character instantly becomes a defender simply by throwing damage reflection on them
    Read the next line. Also, yes. His intelligence has been shown enough to practically predict incoming moves of his opponent. Read Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel" #5
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,356 ★★★★

    He wouldn't be cosmic, and I'm not entirely sure why he needs the damage reflect and auto block. It feels like you're putting damage reflect on a lot of your kits

    Auto-block is a necessity. He's one of the smartest beings out there next to Doctor Doom. That, plus the fact that the negative zone provides him superspeed, are enough evidence I need that he has a chance to Auto-Block. By that way, why should CapSam have Auto-Block? Yet he does.
    Damage reflect: I love it. I won't shy behind not saying, but it's one of the things that makes a defender in my opinion. Mysterio's sp1, Korg, Attuma, Chee'ilth are all perfect examples of why.
    Him being smart isn't justification for him having auto block? Cap has auto block because he has a shield and it's there so he can counter mutants with hard to dex specials and lots of prowess which he's designed to counter. Abilities ideally should have justification in the kit and not just thrown on for the sake of it. What damage back does cheeilth have? Some defenders having damage back doesn't mean a character instantly becomes a defender simply by throwing damage reflection on them
    Read the next line. Also, yes. His intelligence has been shown enough to practically predict incoming moves of his opponent. Read Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel" #5
    OK fair enough, I still think that his block damage would be more of an issue for him outside of the auto block with non standard forms of heal control or even champs that could just fully kill him in 1 blocked attack.

    One thing I did notice in re reading it is that he gains true sense on what would be a critical hit, but also gains a true focus on his light ending combo? Seems like he should just not gain the true sense. I'm also wondering how his energy storing works, does he gain an energy charge for a set amount of damage he receives? And does it reduce the damage or simply store an amount?

    I also don't see the necessity for the mini stuns on his sp2 hits if he inflicts a separate stun on the final hit? Just seems like it wouldn't really do anything.
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★

    He wouldn't be cosmic, and I'm not entirely sure why he needs the damage reflect and auto block. It feels like you're putting damage reflect on a lot of your kits

    Auto-block is a necessity. He's one of the smartest beings out there next to Doctor Doom. That, plus the fact that the negative zone provides him superspeed, are enough evidence I need that he has a chance to Auto-Block. By that way, why should CapSam have Auto-Block? Yet he does.
    Damage reflect: I love it. I won't shy behind not saying, but it's one of the things that makes a defender in my opinion. Mysterio's sp1, Korg, Attuma, Chee'ilth are all perfect examples of why.
    Him being smart isn't justification for him having auto block? Cap has auto block because he has a shield and it's there so he can counter mutants with hard to dex specials and lots of prowess which he's designed to counter. Abilities ideally should have justification in the kit and not just thrown on for the sake of it. What damage back does cheeilth have? Some defenders having damage back doesn't mean a character instantly becomes a defender simply by throwing damage reflection on them
    Read the next line. Also, yes. His intelligence has been shown enough to practically predict incoming moves of his opponent. Read Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel" #5
    OK fair enough, I still think that his block damage would be more of an issue for him outside of the auto block with non standard forms of heal control or even champs that could just fully kill him in 1 blocked attack.

    One thing I did notice in re reading it is that he gains true sense on what would be a critical hit, but also gains a true focus on his light ending combo? Seems like he should just not gain the true sense. I'm also wondering how his energy storing works, does he gain an energy charge for a set amount of damage he receives? And does it reduce the damage or simply store an amount?

    I also don't see the necessity for the mini stuns on his sp2 hits if he inflicts a separate stun on the final hit? Just seems like it wouldn't really do anything.
    Actually, the mini stuns are to counter champions that may be Unstoppable when you launch your special, Gladiator for instance. It's a sad example, I know, but the base thought was that Unstoppable opponents wouldn't be able to
    Block special attacks and cancel out damage, seeing as how I haven't given him an Unblockable ability in his kit.

    Haven't noticed a grammatical error, if any. Will correct soon.

    I still don't follow your auto-block point.
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