Depends on the meta. In the ceit me meta of BGs, werewolf will only be a defender and kushala will be practically useless while White tiger, juggs, and chavez will be dominating. White tiger might be more friendly for some people in that meta because against people who have only 1/5 limber, you can parry, dash back dash forward for the crit rating and not need to worry about intercepting as much.
I'm always gonna go for Wigra. She's literally the most fun to play with!
Recently pulled her but had no idea she was OP prob bc I don’t know her rotation/play style yet. Who does she counter and does she need the awakening?
I have her r2 s40, and she’s great. The dupe is cool but there’s nothing she particularly “needs” it for, she’s still r3 worthy unduped. Her rotation takes about 45-50s if played right and it does enough damage to take down rol healthpools, so she has plenty of damage for bgs. Plus it can be faster if the defender isn’t particularly tanky so you won’t need her full rotation.
She takes a decent amount of meta threats. She’s a top 3 serpent counter, great for Sassy, Nick, Kindred, Gorr, Hulkling, weapon X, potentially mephisto (haven’t seen it tested) and solid in some other matchups. There’s also a lot of fights that she’s not insane for, but can do in a solid enough score (48-49k) like dust, red skull, and Killmonger. Trappy and bittersteel have great showcases of her at r3 that I’d check out, she’s actually pretty versatile.
I'm always gonna go for Wigra. She's literally the most fun to play with!
Recently pulled her but had no idea she was OP prob bc I don’t know her rotation/play style yet. Who does she counter and does she need the awakening?
I think Jason Voorhees has a vid on YT.
She counters Serpent, which is one of THE biggest sells. Well, not counters, exactly, but she's a very, very good option. I ran a practice (6r1 vs 6r1), and Serpent went down in about under a minute. Pretty decent damage, very good power control.
Awakening: Preferred, but really not necessary. She does well without.
She takes a decent amount of meta threats. She’s a top 3 serpent counter, great for Sassy, Nick, Kindred, Gorr, Hulkling, weapon X, potentially mephisto (haven’t seen it tested) and solid in some other matchups. There’s also a lot of fights that she’s not insane for, but can do in a solid enough score (48-49k) like dust, red skull, and Killmonger. Trappy and bittersteel have great showcases of her at r3 that I’d check out, she’s actually pretty versatile.
Compared to the top options for Onslaught,Serpent where does he rank for those 2? Also, does he do Sinister/Dust well?
She counters Serpent, which is one of THE biggest sells. Well, not counters, exactly, but she's a very, very good option. I ran a practice (6r1 vs 6r1), and Serpent went down in about under a minute. Pretty decent damage, very good power control.
Awakening: Preferred, but really not necessary. She does well without.